The Queen

♥ PhooiSze.
I have a great passion for both speaking and writing, hence making me a great friend but an even greater enemy. But even so, i am probably the best person alive! Why?

because i am biased, stupid. I am a PZ after all, hello?


Pink. At least I am TRYING to. T__T'
Turning people into retards. It's my forte anyway.


People who hates me MWHAHAH!


Nokia 7390
Make my own blogskin
Let's not daydream and move on ok? =)

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

From bad to worse.


Just when I thought my fever is gonna be gone for good today, it came back. Tulan betul. I kid you not, almost the entire world is fever-ing now. Thank God on your knees now if you are one of those lucky survivors who isn't fever-ing just because you had some air mata kuching a day before.

And today, not only my fever did not subside, my brother is down with it too. And greater thing is, he's having this very important exam tomorrow. So let me put it in this way, if he doesn't pass tht blardee paper because of some god damn fever virus, he hve to retake it again and study for another eight months and my dad will be poorer by 15 k. Sounds great hor?

When can I finally say proudly "YOU WANT ME TO SUE YOU AHH?! MY BROTHER LAWYER TAU!"

-.-' Dream on baby, dream on.
Great, I had what seems like 3 long paragraphs about my current frustration and I backspaced it all. Everything. I know it'll provoke controversy, should it be published. So let's forget about it and go to sleep everyone.

Your Lover's Lover 11:18 PM

Sunday, May 27, 2007



Moral of the day: NEVER give negative examples.

So yesterday I wrote something about eat ice cream, can cure fever.


And SURPRISINGLY, chea too. Must be Ju Piau and teacher's laptop ada virus. -.-'

Your Lover's Lover 1:37 AM

Saturday, May 26, 2007




Look, now I think I am suffering from dry eyes or something due to excessive use of computer this three days. And for what, you ask?


No people, I am NOT gonna give up now lor. Yes, it's really a last-minute task and stuff but heck, I have to proof to everyone alive that I can do it. A 16 page programme book in 3 days?

*ahem* Sap sap sui la. *ahem*

So yes, my eyes are so itchy and super watery like I've been crying. The only painkiller is to play more computer. I know it sounds stupid but hey, when you get fever, you definately feel better after eating a tub of ice cream even when tht's the reason you got the fever in the first place.

Life's not fucked up or anything like claimed by many of my friends. It's just a little tangled here and there. Messed up is the word.

Finish watching Tree of Heaven already. Seriously, this is one of the best K Drama I've ever watched. I prefer older dramas. New ones are just so cheesy the main characters fall in love in 5 seconds while they use 15hours of air time just for bitch fighting which is ridiculous to me.

Next drama : The Great Inheritance.

Wanna watch that because it's made by the same producer of My Girl and Sassy Girl Chun Hyang. Both the dramas are REALLY great. Why not you too give it a shot? I promise you won't regret. [Especially SGCH =)]

The only thing that I can look forward to currently is my 97.5% downloaded Ugly Betty. Another 1 hour or so and I'll posess 17 hours of entertainment. I am a couch potato.

I am lame, shoot me.

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Your Lover's Lover 3:06 AM

Friday, May 25, 2007



I am in a phase when I need to sort things out, once and for all.

And so I changed my blogskin into a white one, without even saving my terribly red ex-blogskin. No turning back.

Hols is here. At the time of the year when I don't feel like having it. Okay I may sound crazy. Who doesn't love hols?

Well, ME.

Not this time at least. I am starting to like school and i dread going back time. There's no pressure whatsoever in school. And I can't say the same about at home lah. Maybe the problem is with me, maybe not.

I need to get more readers like how I used to. Maybe I should write something bad about high school musical again. TEEEEHEEEEEE! -.-'

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Your Lover's Lover 8:52 PM

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bye bye top 10


Tope 20 sounds more like it.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I think i have just flunk my slight possibility of getting top 10 in my class which literally means getting top 10 in the whole form.


Top 20 sounds more like it. Okay, maybe top 15 is very much possible too but top 10? You gotta be kidding.

Can anyone tell me why didn't God made me brighter.

Oh wait, btw I am aiming for top 10 because urm, I wanna hve this nice burfdae party la. Not telling the plans yet. When i tell, I bet you'll think getting top 10 for such arrangements isn't good enough.



Your Lover's Lover 6:59 AM

Tuesday, May 22, 2007



Ok so teachers' day party is like this Friday bla bla yadda yadda get poorer whee wheee havoc awaits. =) So this time, party is like 2 days away, no food, no planning nothing. Okay maybe there was a little planning but most of the time tht's all cakap only. Tak boleh pakai one some of the ideas. So we're planning to collect about 15 bucks from everyone and we are gonna use tht money to buy a cake and two tubs of baskin robin's. Don't ask if the ice cream is gonna melt or not. Tht's not the question.


Okay I mean form 1G-ians lah. So Chea sort of agree to my suggestion. I think everyone shoudl be in a group of four and 1 group will bring like 2 dishes/drinks++. Then I don't think there'll be much waste. So people, try to pay as soon as possible. And by as soon as possible, I mean like tomorrow. Tomorrow's already Wednesday la fren.

And I hve to say teh decor are way too much la. Making those rings. And I wonder how many pieces of NotVeryCheap paper they are gonna use to make those rings. And at the end of the day, I think raveena will hve to cover the cost la.


Okay fine so I am makign the invitation card. Tell me if it's good enough to be passed around among the teachers. Deserves a whoa or a boo? You comments matters yo!

Ahem ahem.

Tell me if you think certain things could hve been better. [example- the man shouldn't be pink, the bckground should be more white bla bla tape must be red font not nice weelala]

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Your Lover's Lover 3:21 AM

Sunday, May 20, 2007



Seriously after thinking harder, I really have SOMETHING over cowards.

I really despise people who do things and end up not admitting it. Not only they don't wanna confess, they'll put the blame on others when the 'others' hve no idea wht's happening. It's not even funny. Don't find other ask your scapegoat la.

No gut, no do ok? Don't come and lan yeng and end up blaming other people. If you can't be brave to admit something you've done, don't even TRY to look like you are someone brave in the first place la haiyor.

Memang cannot tahan leh these kinda people. Don't ask me why i blog about this suddenly or to whom i direct this post to. You know who you are. Let's see when will be the next time you get blown away by some capalang wind. Be more down to Earth and even the famous Katrina typhoon can't shake you. Sadly, you are insecure about yourself but at the same time, you wanna act like you know it all.

Loser? No, not tht word. Sore loser sounds more like it. And don't simply call people BITCH when you hve no idea tht it's not 'something cool' to us. A JOKE turns into an INSULT when it fails to make someone laugh. And apparently, i can just smirk at anyone who call me a bitch and laugh happily ever after but sadly, not you. yes, it cracks me up, for the wrong reason only lah. It's just funny to see tht you are someone who thinks tht you are on the top of the world when your mount kinabalu has just collapse. sad case eh? Tak sedar diri.

if I shall describe you in 1 word, it has got to be shallow.

P/s: you are a WANNABE, but CANNOTBE, forever a NEVERBE. Kid, quit trying. =)

P/p/s: some of you know la who I am talking about. No people, it's not a girl. So it's pretty SURPRISING how a guy can act like a stallion who just got castrated. Oh dear, wht a big loss! *pity look*

Your Lover's Lover 7:29 AM

Friday, May 18, 2007

Finally Over!


Okay fine, I know I promised some urm..interesting stuff but sadly I have to break my promise because my fellow friends refuse to accompany me to the canteen during lunch despite the fact tht I was as hungry as a 300 yr old snake who hasn't eaten anything since 150 years + 500 year - 350 years. You do the counting la, genius.

Okay fine, so I actually wanted to do a review about canteen food and stuff about how ridiculously priced certain items are. Rm3.30 for a SMALLL BOWL OF ME?! Over the boarder lor can? It wasn't even half of those we had during the days when we had our old canteen where nobody gives a damn if it's a canteen or a cafe or a tuckshop. Asalkan ada cheap delicious food, we don't care. And it's REALLY funny how we can even complain about the price of food then. Now that I have to admit my Rm10 isn't enough for a day, I am starting to appreciate those days when we can purchase a bowl of super yummy prawn mee for Rm2.50 [BIG SUMMORE OK?!]

Okayla, not gonna talk about something SO DEPRESSING such the $$ factor.

Exam's over. Pressurized mode- Off

Seriously, I've NEVER been so serious about exams. I don't even care if it's final or whatever. Not tht I was over confident, the URGE to study just isn't there. I am not like those who cry over their mark. Never did tht. Why? Because exams mean nothing to me and as long as I've done my best, it doesn't matter if I get a A or an E. It's the same anyway.

BUT NOT NOW. I've studied like @#$%^&* for this exam ok? I even started my revision two weeks before the exams! I am just pressured this time because everyone around me was studying like mad and for the sake of ego, I can't lose to those ex 3rd calsses WHICH I DID during the second assesment.

No people, no grudges against you. We are a family and I have NOTHING against tht. I was from the third class too back when I was in Year 4. I worked my way up. If counted using the Year 4's year end exams, in my year 5's second class I am supposed to be number nineteen but heck, I ended up getting number 2. So yeah, I think everyone deserves a chance la. This UPSRDecideYourClass thingy is really good. Look, if you people from the other classes were nto give the chance, it's HARD for you to go up la. So yeah, actually love you presence in this class lah. [not for certain idiots who can't even diffrenciate the difference between PARAGUAY and URUGUAY tho'.]

You can all me the AssYangTakMahuMengakuKalahWalaupunAlreadyKalah but whatever la. It's about pride also la sometimes. And SOMETHING tells me I didn't did so badly this time around. My instincts are usually undependable so let's see if God is mean enough to PROVE ME WRONG.

I am officially a 25 inches. Yeay to you fat people. You must be happy I joined your gang. MWHAHAHAHAHAH! T.T

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Your Lover's Lover 2:25 AM

Saturday, May 12, 2007



My instincts tells me I am gonna screw my BM and History tomorrow.

Bm is almost a mission imposibble for me to complete ok? 4 sections, two hours. Wait, did I tell you I took TWO DAYS to complete tht penulisan using the COMPUTER?

And no, don't get me wrong. I can type fast. [60+ words a minute. Not that bad eh?] The problem is just with the QUESTIONS.

God, ALL I am asking for is not to get 50 for geography again. i've been a good girl this year all my live. I never boik school. I never loss a library book. I never steal canteen food. You should bless me kau kau for my virtuous deeds ok?

I don't think I'll be blogging until this Friday. BUT I PROMISE YOU SOMETHING INTERESTESTING OK?! =)

Your Lover's Lover 11:50 PM

Friday, May 11, 2007



Seriously, this year is passing like so so so so fast I can hardly believe it's May now. 3 more months to my burfday!

And EXAM is like 2 day from now. THE thing is, this is the FIRST time I am studying for my mid year. Didn't too it seriously but I don't think I can say the same for the future. When people pressurize me, i don't bother to even glance at my book but surprisingly when they don't I read chapters and chapter and chapters and even make my own note!


I am in deep shit now. My science is so kaboom and my geo is like dangling in the air now. PEOPLE I CAN' GET 50 AGAIN FOR GEO WHEN EVERYONE GOT 85+++ ARGHHHHH!

Seriously, it's SO HARD to believe I got 50 when well, someone got 100. -.-' Didn't like geo, not liking geo and WILL NOT like geo.

What can be MORE CRUEL than forcing myself to read chapters of GEO? NOTHING. Even eating raw onions is better ok?

I am not gonna get 50 for geo. I MUST BE IN THE TOP TEN LIST. There's some place when I can fit in! I MUSTTTT!

There can be miracles, when you believe.


Your Lover's Lover 6:12 AM

Wednesday, May 09, 2007



Okay the topic is so random but NOT TO ME OK?!

Seriously, I don't wanna bitch but I hve to la for this time. Everyone is blogging about it. They WILL at least. Some did already.

So today Mr R freaked out AGAIN. Look, this guy is having some problems with himself la ok?
Today he got so WAHLIAO mad just becuz we didn't complete our corrections. And by WE, I mean 25 over 29. You do the fractions yourself.

He got SO mad, he scolded us like hell. And he voiced his racistness openly can? He asked everyone of us why we didn't do and most people including me just say "forgot". But when ti comes to Joie's turn, she said tht it was because she was away for The King and I rehearsal and nobody told her and again, he scolded the shit out of her...


And guess wht he said. Can be quote of the year ok? *rolls eyes*

"Not that I am racist but you Chinese are very selfish. Sorry to say that la but you Chinese are so selfish yourself comes first you don't care about others. This is what you call friend la Joie"

And at first I thought maybe I could get him a little more pissed off so I said "YESS" loudly while nobody did. But seriously, it's starting to be VERY RUDE when he said it FOR SO MANY TIMES, it wasn't FUNNY anymore. If me kicking the hamster cage because it was noisy and I don't want Encik Nazri to ask Cik Mahani to ban hamster from the class is considered KURANG AJAR, wht's this huh? TAK ADA AJAR?! *rollls eyes* And practically, he was insulting the WHOLE class for making tht remark ok? If we suddenly got posess or so we can beat the shit out of you la wtf. But no, we are gentle people, we don't suddenly coem up to you and say in your face "INDIANS ARE SUCH BARBARIANS" [example la indians are NICE people not barbarianic at all except this guy la] etc etc.

And then, Vernon, Chea and Colin were writing something while he was reading. Well, it was the DAMN CORRECTION LA. I whispered to Chea already DON'T DO IT NOW but he insisted because he thought it would be better if he could hand the book up before the lesson end. And Mr R happen to see them writing some stuff he got so effing mad he shooed them out of the class.

Seriously, this is TOO MUCH. Yes, maybe you can do it once just to warn us bla bla but no, this is the SECOND time he did it already. And he like sot SMACK people. Yeahla I knowla the way you teach your children very keng BUT DON'T SHOW YOUR TANTRUM IN FRONT OF US OK?! *rolls eyes* And he asked me something bla bla and he said tht I am "dead" if I am his daughter.


And so out the three guys went. And then he has to BOAST about how he banned a form 4 guy from entering his class JUST BECAUSE HE DID HIS MATHS HOMEWORK. *rolls eyes x10*

Hello sir. You think my parents very rich is is? 'yim chin toh' is it? Send me here to study AND YOU SHOO ME OUT OF THE CLASS FOR A MONTH?! Omg, please please please SOMEONE tell me not all indians behave this way because I have some number of indian friends and they are GREAT ok. Memalukan your racela uncle. -.-'

AND WHT'S GREAT, he told us SO MANY times already he buys bra for his wife. Omg wtf. Seriously, having to succumb to your wife's evil task is already embarrassing but you CHOOSE to embarrass yourself further by telling the whole damn world how you nuy bras for your wife?! Please la don't tell me it's loving and stuff it doesn't matter and all those rubbish. No matter a couple is married or not, they should RESPECT each other la. If you gf suddenly ask you get her some pads, YOU GO BUY IS IT?!

If you do, you are a human failure. Another failed experiment of the aliens from mars.

And he has to tell us the difficulties he faced. The salesgirl asked him if he wanted push ups, lace, color and CUPS. And he don't even KNOW wht is cup he told us he was stunned.

But boys, next time, when you are unsure of all these things, JUST GET A SINGLET. PERIOD. NO NEED MAFAN MAFAN.

Seriusly lor hor, I don't find these kinda information funny. I find a guy telling the whole world about him buying bra for his wife does not only makes me feel he is a loving guy but my first impression was...this is the kind of guy who is like so omfg garang outside but when they go home, scared of wife also. No use one. CHEH!

Besides those stories which in my opinion not only embarassed his ancestors but also hurt my eye because i hve to roll it every 2 seconds or so, he told use our school's history which i CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE BECAUSE IT'S SO RIDICULOUS. He told us those typical YearTwoGirl stories about the school being a japanese hospital last time and many bodies were buried here. Ridiculous anot? I don'r carela if it's true or not but then for all you know it's created but some YearTwoGirl who spread it until brainless people like you BELIEVE. And as a teacher, I think you should be WISE and not so arrgh by telling us stories which isn't SEJARAH in the first place and btw, it's driving the school's customers away wtf!

Aiya you can guess how TULAN all of US feel la. Got scolded for the slightiest reasons and had to leave our dad's phone number with him wtf but ends up he said he wanna give us another CHANCE la. But i don't knowla wht happen tht urm...wk was the unlucky one cuz mr rama called on the dad on the spot but got into the voicemail WHICH HE STILL DID LEAVE. Aiyor ppl busy kacau macau for wht wor -.-'

Oh wait...he even told us abotu hwo we should clal Joie tht if we CANNOT AFFORD we can find him because he 'always top up but never use' and apparently he tops up to rm90 a month but tak ada guna one. Got anyone more boh liao anot? OH so today my fridge got fish i STILL wanna buy for *fun*? And he QUICKLY added "not because I hve not friends but because..." KIASU KIASU KIASU LA. -.-' Rm 90? Don't use PREPAID la then. So rich hor? Use postpaid la. WON'T overbudget one! Since NOBODY CALLS YOU...or will ever give you the chance to cal them by miss calling you, so just give up and use your house phone. -.-'

Ahh read COLIN'S BLOG to urm...see wht he has to write about him. =)


Your Lover's Lover 6:08 AM

Monday, May 07, 2007



Blogger has been gay since 12896296 years agola ok? I swear I've updated several times but then it just has to be so bodoh it won't show my post blarghh.

Seriously, I think God is trying to indicate to me I hve to be patient and stuff because I wrote a post about a person but ends up blogger can't post it. And great news is, thank goodness I did not post it because well, there are more DRAMAS to watch so yeah, it's sort of fun to see how a person can be such a fool for so long thinking tht they are on top of the world.

And nono, I am not gonna spoil it all by blogging about it. Why should I? A good movie ahead.

And sad to say, I am the pupetter. A story with me behind it did not, is not and will not have a good ending. Well, too bad lah!

But to close friends, I guess you already tahula wht is waiting ahead. But to YOU, don't be so omfg perasan ok? Not about you. How can I include in in my cast?! *rolls eyes*

Seriously, i've been rolling my eyes alot lately it's becoming a bad habbit lor ok? But I only roll my eyes at the right situation. But sometimes, it REALLY works when I roll my eyes at certain people la. No use fighting with them one. Just roll your eyes lor. Ask Chea. I can suddenly call him and roll my eyes at him for no reason and he'll understand what i am trying to say already- someone annoying is at a dangerously near radius from me.

Okay la this post is so meaningless but since some people have been telling em my blog is so dead, I've decided to make a post. Besides, if ANYTHING interesting were to happen soon, I can tell tht fool "I TOLD YOU SO". =) I am evil, yes, thank you very much.


Your Lover's Lover 4:09 AM