Okay the pics I took like forever to upload.
Patriotic Week.
I don't know how our class even managed to get into the finals of the patriotic singing competition. And it's saddening that I got feedbacks form some friends later on that they can't hear whatever we were singing.
Truth was, the microphone was not working then. Someone asked that guy why there's no microphone 'effect' and on then did he explain that it wasn't functioning.
I think it wasn't functioning until the third participating class or so. For the second performing class, I don't recall hearing any usage of the mich too. Maybe it's because they were playing that sudiman song so so so loud.
Judges should disqualify them okay!
And that made me spent like 20 minutes fining the karaoke version which was like so so hard because I think theres only one result that i was looking for in the whole Google wtf. Nevermind those save-for-later stories. Now it's picture time!
Our conductor! This picture is edited of course you think my camera so keng meh? -__-"
haha yeap we were preparing in the toilet and then she felt like camwhoring and I just take pics la wtf.

Haha yes I know I look so UNLIKE myself here. I look like some sick guy with long hair. It's so heavily edited lah. The original picture was terrible because I didn't *cough*closemymouth*cough* and when you don't close your mouth it's considered a bad omen.
To me lah. If you get what I mean. -___-"


Don't this picture look scary?

Yes, everyone was wearing uniform body uniform [wtf?]. And I think that was the lamest thing ever. Like everyone was wearing traditional costumes the other day and we were the one parading around in our uniforms. And cheerleader were supposed to get uniforms from other classes BUT don't know which genius was the culprit lah but ends up Shi Hui [the gurl in red] didn't have hers wtf so she had to wear that red thing. Imagine, everyone wearing uniform and she's the only red thing there.
To wear uniforms? Memang pilihan yang bijak pun.

PUTRI! <3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgl6Ruy-o3IfJmkGZ2ueXFFDVUu1i10RHJzwpB2EW96usnoaRKWsEtXBOigGztF7W6iZDrbVNA8W7RoUc_4nbWyLfM0GH5-jWtU9-BG4bFKfJcxHVb8zRBuE5QqkvoWxVCKVAQC/s320/IMG_2879.gif" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5105165951963588418" border="0">I find this picture so cool leh!

Pandang wrong place again.
Like seriously, i think that is a sickness of mine lor. I tend to look at the wrong place one. I mean, those unintentionally times, of course.

He look fierce .

Mwhahah this girl ah, I had to bring my coat for her but ends up she say it's too tight so she didn't wear it. And she took of the stitches at my sleeve because it was too short. AND THEN SHE DIDN'T WEAR.
mwhaha joking lah she's a very nice and hyper girl with sho's tie wtf. -_-"

ahah me.

Hmm guess whose face is it? =D
Seriously it look so i-love-my-country ish. But then I had to spoil the picture by putting some rainbow color words there wtf. -__-"
And I went and be all sorhai telling people WEIH SEE WE ALL SO YENG OKAY GOT TATOOOOO!
-_____-" I have doubts if I am sane.

The hand band [?] I took from wk. mwhaha. I remember it was pretty popular a year ago or so.

The two lovebirds flirting.

Mwhaha I love Malaysia. Ignore the blue words if you cant see it. But if you can, GOOD. =)
Seriously this year it was really saddening. That how I can suddenly cancel the sunway thingy. Oh wells. But at least I got some pressie from people and it makes me happy to know that certain people care. =)
This was the gift I thought I wouldn't live long enough to see.
This must have been the best thing he have done in his entire live. Keep up with the good work every year ah! =D
*touched* sob. -___-"
Yes the icing was on a plastic sheet.
And the size is comparatively okaylah compared to my mom's cake.
Anyway here's antoher stupid convo.
Bro: this cake dunno what cake lah. Walnut plus chocolate plus vanilla.
Mom: Walnut is good for brains.
Bro to me: Then you should bring more cake for your friends.
Me: -_______________-" true pun.
Okay this is the first pressie I received.
Sorrylah but then I took the pressie out already you cannot expect me to put it back in just to snap a photo wtf -___-"
What's inside?
Something creativela ;) As long as it's a gift from Rachael and Stephanie, it's always creative with all those scribblings =)
Yeap, their letters! =D mwhahaha and rachael, your writing changed dramatically by the way. When I was reading Steph's letter I thought HAR WHY THE WRITING SO NICE ALREADY ONEE!. -__-'
Thats so so sweet can! =) I prefer handmade things lah. I mean, thing you buy with money, it's just easily available but handmade things are different! [okay I sitll like the presents you people BOUGHT! In fact there's certain exception la. For example a dslr camera very very yummy.]
There's another glass thing which was really pretty but I forgotten to take a pciture of it and when I remember my cam was out of battery already pfft.
Anyway, rachael included another pressie inside because she says tht she's trying to make it look better! [or not -___-"]
My mom got frightened with this. So did Siang. [was it?] He thought it's some SNAIL -___-"

Okay that's second pressie!
mwhahah thank you sho! =D And I dunno why I name it Mr Bearn. Must be Bear+ Bean= Bearn? Aiya I am lame lah. Not like i really name my soft toys -__-"
okayla I know some of your soft toys so canggih until can fly for 20 minutes and can serve you penadol one but mine also not bad okay! MWHAHAHAHAH WTF. I don't have a picture of the box because my friends all urged me to open it so yeah, no time to even take a picture wtf.

Lastly, the final present from Putri!

A PILLOW! mwhaha wtf ! =D Still it looks very cute lor!
Actually she bought and eye liner for me but then she lost it -__-" and she even called her mom to bring me the present on monday and i was like 'NOOOOO DON'T IT'S OKAY NOOO!'
Omg I feel so important now -__-" SOMEBODY BRING ME GINSENG TEA! [obviously a joke la, para geniuses.]
I actually got a happy birthday note from nick written on a fuglyly torn, dirtily written piece of paper. With some Korean words on it.
And I don't know if he's cursing me in korean or not! @#$%^&*( Okayla I don't know where's the paper already I think my mom threw it away thinking it was trash. [clearly shows how MUCH i doesn't look like a birthday card/note! =P]
Mwhaha but thanks lah! At least you did something mar =D

My bear is a malaysian. Or is it not?
My Room.
Okay it's very very red. Firstly, it was orange and it was fine. But then i had to go buy that ikea light which is pink [not the light. the outside thingy. aiya dunnola use wht word -_- refer to picture] and it made the whole room RED.
Mwahaha and I have another yellow light too. Nevermind, let the pictures do the talking.

Yes my room is painstakingly small. -___-"
I actually post pictures of my room because i like the wall mwahhahahah! *yes i am lame shadddddap*
And I feel like sticking sequins all around my aircond wtf.

Remember this chair? i think I talked about it in my old blog about a year ago. I wanted it back then but then they don't have the pink one so yeah, I GOT IT THIS TIME!
Indication that i am dangerous.

Warning! So lame can but then I notice I have not enough pictures of my room.
Random Pictures.

I didn't know how to caption this picture. And I thought it's sexy mar hor to caption like this fro this picture . -__-"
Sorry, another brain cell of mine died.

Copying. And note where yours truly sat to be able to take this picture. One of them pun. -__-"

Colin, when you do, you look like a lawyer/doctor/oil tycoon/ LEE HOM/ anything great! But nwo you look like people who squat in lockups eating kari rice. Mwhaha it's a compliment with a lil mixture of insult which is a balance of nature like yin an yang wtf am i talking full stop.
That time I asked him to shave he tak layan me. Then putri asked him lar cuz she was there also and he went all like OH OKAY but he didn't do it. And now both of them say I am making up stories wtf -___-'

The lovebirds.
Doesn't sound hamsup lah. -__-"

The doll?

Asshome? [altho' u can obviously spot an 'L' there.]
This picture hor, I took it becuz wk said tht ppl don't say ASS HOME and yeah, when I took it tht yellow shirt gurl look behind and though I was taking her picture and proceeded to move away liek what you are seeing in the picture la.
Perasan. -_-' As usual I gave tht 'why-would-i-want-to-take-a-picture-of-you' look. XD
Sadly, perhaps that's the only positive thing most malaysians have to say about their nation.

They took her shoe off I and gave Leon. Leon glanced at it and walked away. CHEH!

Brit with my uniform she later misplaced. THE FIRST TIME in her life she committed something irresponsible. THE FIRST TIME!

Our pretty
gal gay guy Davin.

Colin with Joie's chinese costume which shi hui later wore. Prostitute on the run!



At this rate I am really getting lazier and lazier to sort my photos out one by one. It took me so many many many days to make this post due to my laziness and stuff. -__-"

Urm urm another cool shot?

That's where I stood. The 'A' part.
It's so 'long' that it should be marked 18sx.

KID WHAT WERE YOU THINKING ABOUT?! it's these kinda rising sun incidents that makes everyone's day. Sure, at a point maybe everyone will berrising sun also but not until this long kuaaaa...-__-"