Like wtf I am here blogging from the computer lab. My computer is still being repaired and tht computer guy is such a procascinator he should burn in hell.
Okay now that you know the reason I am not being online for the pass one week, I shall log off and go pay attention for once in my computer class because it is too scientific for em to understand frommy dumb friends' teachings.
p/s: get well soon Des. He broke his arm wtf?
p/p/s: I promise I promise I'll blog once I get my computer back with loads of pictures bye!
Your Lover's Lover
5:19 PM
Sorry for the extreme lack of updates. So many things to be done and yet so little time. THANK GOD LA I FINISH ALMOST EVERYHTING ALREADY 666! -.-'
First, it was my #$%^& history project. You knowla, ppl like me super cheong hei one lor. Cakap banyak like no tomorrow like tht. And the biggest problem I faced was me not being able to print. And scanning also another hassle. My retarded scanner cannot scan, and luckily I have been good to Heidi all along. =) And the printing, well, I hve to say BANYAK thank you to Shaun Tan and Shaun Kua.
You know like..how all along I always find these two Shauns to be somehow, urm is related to each other. Like when I needed my printing, the Tan printed halfway for me and then his printer ran out of ink. [causing like 2 pages to be pinkish ahh] And so it was like monday night already and i am like super super desperate lor. AND SOME GUARDIAN ANGEL SENT THE KUA ONE ONLINE NYAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Need I say more? =D
But lagi tulan is Mr Rama lor. I find him the next day and I explained my situation and asked for another day because I harboured so much effort into it and then now 2 pages is pinkish and another 2 isn't printed [thanks to shaun tan's confusion XD] but he said it doesn't matter and all tht matters is facts. LIKE HELLO I PUT SO MANY HOURS INTO MY PHOTOSHOP AND NOW YOU BLARDEE TELL ME ALL THT COUNTS IS INFO MUTHATRUCKER ?!
Oh, and he also said if I fail to pass up on tht day, he'll minus 5 marks from me. BUT WHEN WK PASSED IT UP THE NEXT DAY HE SAY IT'S OKAY AS LONG AS PPL PASS UP BEFORE FRIDAY WHAT NONSENSE IS THTTT?! Not a man of his words la thambee!
I even tied the project with my hairband out of desperateness okay? AND THEN YOU TELL ME....
aih nvrm i am just being long winded again.
So Cik M told me to bring my pendrive on Friday which I, as expected, did not bring. Aiyor sort term memory loss mar cannot is it? And then she openly stated she do not trust me 70% already and asked me if i REALLY can produce results on monday. And of course I said YEAH YEAH NO PROBLEM which was very very true until....until problems come knocking on my door la. -.-'
So yesterday I was so geram I showed black face through out the whole evening because I cannot run photoshop thanks to wht they claim is 'scratch disc full'. And since I wasn't born yesterday, I knew i had to delete some file from my hard disc lor. AND YOU KNOW ANOT HOW PAINFUL IT IS TO DELETE MY KIM HO KYUNNNGGGG SONGS ANOT HAR HAR HAR HAR?!
And I deleted 700 mb. BUT THEY SAY STILL CNANOT. So out of frust, I just offed it and went to bed.
And this morning I woke up with greetings from Mr C Drive saying tht I hve 50 mb worth of space left. AND ALL MY FILES GONE LA? VERY FUNNY LA?! And so I tested it again. I deleted another file. And so for what seems like a few minutes the space left showed 60 mb.
And so again, out of frust, I called Britney because her laptop has photoshop and I thought maybe we could meet up or something for me to complete the stupid class profile. I don't want Cik M to not trust me 100% lor. I knew best of what it is like to be despised by your own class teacher. Not a very nice situation to be in. =) Okay, so Shaun Kua deleted the photoshop already and I was like panicking for a split second lor. And so I called Nick, but tht kid is not answering my call. Then I called Chea, but tht kid also not answering my call. So I called the computer guy and he talked greek with me for what seems like 30 minutes but tht didn't help at all. The only thing I understand after tht long winded conversation is- my hard disc is spoiled.
Okay so guess what I did.
I went to his house, and I brought his computer back. He can't fix it for me cuz he has to go outstation soon yadda yadda and tht guy won't return my computer for like a week once he gets his hands on it. So yeah, he installed photoshop into it and I went and took his comp back.
Wait. It's not his comp. It's one of his client's comp.
Seriosuly, I definitely won't be too happy to know that my computer is tossed around to other ppl's house when it is supposed to be repaired and sent to my doorstep right away. Nevertheless, since I am not facing such a thing, I might as well use this computer until monday and abuse it kau kau. =D
So Form 1G ians, be really grateful you have a photoshop sifu here who is willing to go an extra mile to get your ugly toned face set in the right contrast. And also be very thankful I did not 'accidentally' cut some of your faces into half [but was really tempted to do so], so if it turns out to be half cut in the yearbook, it's definitely not my fault. Blame the binding or whtever. =D

I know it's too simple but heck, you ppl's faces are so big I can't find a way to reduce it. And also maybe you don't relize it, the Ariel row is supposed to be very long and I cut the side in between colin and britney and also ariel and nick. It looks kidna real to me XD
And now I am granting you the right to laugh at me. -.-' My hair was so sucky. And I noticed I was chubbier back then. Yes or no?
Okay so the QUESTION is, is this okay? If it's some small change you people prefer do voice out but if it's a major change sorry but I no layan one =P Just being honest werrrrt -.-'
Okay I know it's so so so long ago but you like or I like? =P
My fish and chips. =)
Sorry I made Darius cried 3 times. But why all small kids like tht one? Play with them must let them win. Then when we win they go throw tantrum and cry like shit.
Oh wait, I don't mean small kids. I mean small BOYS.
But still, Darius is so so so cute so he's forgiven because if it was another kid I most probably would hve thrown MY temper too. =P
At Ampang Point's Popular. Yes yes I know this picture is so heavily edited but I really hve few pics to share so yeahlor.=P

Okay this pic is not edited and I was so so so doubtful weather or not I should post this up because I look so short in this picture AND NO I AM NOT denying the fact tht I am short. This just makes me look 2 cm shorter than I already am. T.T
I posted this just because i am holding darling john hoon's cd.
Okay I sound corny wtf.
okay may i warn you tht the promised 'millions of pictures' is so untrue BUT it is not my fault lor. Only the edited ones are with me. Thos unedited ones I plan to post is in MY computer so yeah..here are the edited ones. I shallpost the rest up right after i get it fix (or not)
Des, looking hawt nice in his suit.
the human who asked TOO MANY questions! Salute salute!
Oh and I manage to convince this human to run for presidentship. REMEMBER TO CAST YOUR VOTES FOR HIM LOR OKAY OKAY IF NOT I CURSE YOU'LL BE RUN OVER BY A TRUCK!
Pardon my
'straight forwardness'
Lagi chio if i make black and white!
like wanna die like tht. More yeng than tht Darren's friendster picture. OF COURSELA ME PHOTOGRAPHER MAR *perasanesss* XD
My great great great grandaunty always teached me to be *cough* humble *cough*
Aiyor told you not to move dee lor =P
Shaun KUA's laptop. The TAN one last minute didn't come thambeee betul. -.-'
Shaun KUA was the only one in the hall with a laptop. Canggih sial. -.-'
My placard.
Yes, i represented INDIA and I've been called India or Miss India after that and my latest encounter of being called India was by a prefect 3 cm shorter than Rain whom I shall start calling CHINA. *cough* wei zhong *cough*
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA YOU ARE 3 CMS SHORTER THAN RAIN AHHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! *points finger at you and laugh like a mad women*
Okay I know it's ironic and you don't hve to remind me tht I am short too because at least I am not tht near to losing to RAIN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!
p/s: it's something to be proud of okay being called Miss India. Althought they don't mean as in MISS INDIA, I shall take it as a compliment and go sleep on a railway track because Aishwarya Rai was an ex Miss India. XD
okay tht's all for MUN.
With some Chin Khai guy.
I wasn't paying attention throughout the whole thing and since i was sitting towards the end of the table I kept taking photos with Chia Sin while Moon Yee scribbled my name on her piece of paper repeatedly. =P

Chia Sin!

Moon Yee scribbling God knows what. XD

Piau. I HAD to make this picture black and white because well, his face was so pinkish
he look like he's crying after hearing those cham orphans stories from Chin Khai wtf wtf.
..i still hve the ori copy [or not. in my comp] tht I can use to blackmail him for years to come. =D
me..altho blur but still..not enough pics mar.

Me again. Had ot take many shot before getting one tht can actually see my face lor. Most of the shots my face was black because mr sunlight is directly shining through the glass behind me.
I like this pic. Moon's pencil case/ iPod case whtevr whtever pouch.
Me being stupid again.
Seriously, who can help me get a mounting board? Nick can't do it and neither can i. -.-
I am only posting this pic up because it looks so omfg natural.
read on to find out why =)
I always get confused between Diana and Shasha. @__@" But the tree is still, her oldest sister aka daughter of Mr Kenji, still owes me ice cream! T.T
yea yea save the animals.
Oh so everyone is conscious about environment now eh? SUDDENLY eh? Hypocrites.
Wtf...tht's what one does when we don't hve mounting board.
And I am kind enough to not post Wei Khei and Nick's chu tau beng pictures. -.-'
No ctb pictures then replace with cute pictures lor
And you almost can't sense any sacarcism in my voice ok?
I'm sorry Siti.....
okay so the thing in Nick's mouth is a mock ciggie. It's a 10 ringgit note actually so let's get Mr Khaw shocked for a moment by emailing this to him! Okay tht's lame but can let me syok sendiri for a while anot? *rolls eyes*
Oh and LAGI pathetic was, Nick Chai saw it. Yes yes Nat tht's your bro. And he ran away. And we thought he must hve assumed Nick SIAU is really smoking. Oh yes, first it was Shaun Tan and Shaun Kua and here comes Nick Chai and Nick Siau. -.-'
I love you, you love me, we are happy family. =D
Look, tht's nick doing tht 'i am the king of the world' pose behind. AND IT ACTUALLY LOOK OKAY WTF AM I SAYING. 0.o
Wah look damn angelic can! Not.

like omg, I kept telling them they are THE pair but they kept denying it bla bla bla saying they don't wanna ruin the friendship and compare me with Kevin but hello, how to compare. Neither of you are retarded. -.-' HOW CAN YOU COMPARE ME TO A A A ....ah nvrm refer to sentence before this =D
But heck, the history is in my other comp so how? T.T
And he SERIOUSLY owe a big big big treat! =D
And omg wish you guys the best leh. You guys is and shall remain the most aggresive couple when it comes to PDA. GOOD JOB! GOOD JOB! Next time go cinema meraba raba okay?! =P I support you humans!
'Oh baby look at me! I am so hawt you can die!'
I say he has potential to be model which is like OMG COMPLIMENT tht an ordinary person can smile non stop the whole year but this kid thinks I am crazy. I SAY YOU LENG CHAI YOU COMPLAIN, I SAY YOU YONGSUI ALSO YOU GRUMBLE SO WHT YOU WANT WORRRR. -.-'
Okay tht's all for this time. It took me two days man this post @__@" And and please spread the news around and ask 1Gians to hve a look at the class profile and see if it needs improvement or something.
p/s: ppl please leave a note at my c-box saying if you think the class profile is alrite. ESPECIALLY 1G ians thanks. =)
Edit: Billy wants me to mention him so desperatelyo so yeah, HEY BILLY!
Labels: bimboness, Bitchings, MUN, Opinions, Pictures, PZ Entertainment, School, Student Council
Your Lover's Lover
1:35 AM
Okay it's not everyday you see me doing this.
Yes, I am still nowhere near to completing my sejarah project, and being the person I am, I hve no sense of urgency until..well, until the last minute. And by last minute, I mean it literally. The minute before Mr Rama steps in, that is. And even greater is, instead of finishing my project, I go mencat my room. How nice right? =)
this is the rule.
If you are tagged, you need to write an entry related to the meme. At the end of your entry you just need to tag as many person as you like. You will then leave a comment in their blog to let them know they have been tagged. And to include this message, "By doing this meme you are contributing rm127 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage".
1. A person is only as good as a saint when he needs help.
2. Friendship is always a game of war. It's either you win or you lose.
3. To love is to give.
4. Money makes me high
5. I miss the old canteen at school
6. My way of saying I care is by not asking too many questions.
7. I try to spread love and happiness by laughter
8. Pick the flowers when you are not supposed to.
9. To love someone is to make the most selfless decisions.
10. Beauty is everything a human possibly need.
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was ME PAINTING MY ROOM INSTEAD OF DOING MY DAMN SEJARAH!!!! *ahem* *ahem*
13. I am most happy when I get expensive gifts. <3>
15. If I can change one thing, I will change my height yes yes my height.
16. If smiles were contagious [?] then I will smile more often. [wtf??]
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could fly?
18. If you want to finish your sejarah project, then you have to stop getting distracted and go paint your room. -.-'
19. Money is not everything but IT IS EVERYTHING!
22. When I am happy, I go hyper and climb the gate. -.-'
23. If only I don't have to do my sejarah project, then I CAN PAINT MY ROOM. =)
24. The best thing I did yesterday was watching how Hayley got banged by Daunte in one three hill.
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title,"Buy this book or die, bitch." [catchy wert, not meh? -.-']
26. One thing I must do before I die is meet TEI!
27. Doing this meme, I feel like an angel...@__@"
for more info click *here*Labels: charity, Tags
Your Lover's Lover
10:52 PM
Ignorant humans.
I can't believe I am so ignorant.
I lagi can't believe my dad's more ignorant.
I am doing this Sejarah project about my family and stuff and it just hit me in the head
and it's lagi wtf when my dad turns out to not know my aunt's name either. @__@" Brother in law kononnya.
I mean, we've been like a family since like what? 16 years ago? That's also another assumption for I wasn't born yet 16 years ago and his eldest son is 15 and yeah, it takes 9 months to reproduce. STILL, let's assume we started becoming 'alliances' on the 27th August 1994, which is quite true afterall, and after 4699 days, 7 hours, 1 minute and 10 second. [for that matter, i think it's 15seconds already now], I don't even know her name.
Not forgetting that she once bought me a shirt when she went for a trip and asked me to keep quiet because she bought it for me only. How sweet...
Oh, and did I mention, my dad do not know he own mother's birthday and asked me to ask my mom when is it when that's not HER mother but her mother in law. Ironic betul. And he don't know his mom's occupation before she got married. And he also don't know where she was born. And he also don't know who was her first love. [okay this is crap wtf]
Okay so I am super super busy now and super tired and I am racing against time because I have yet to complete my sejarah project and no, it's not funny. 'Cute' girl will not be able to finish her work, should she continue crapping here without any pictures to support her as evidence full stop.
p/s: MUN pics and psot coming soon. AFTER I finish my sejarah, tht is.
p/p/s: i just realized this post is so meaningless. And maybe a lil bimbotic. Just a LIL.Labels: bimboness, ignorance, project, relatives, School
Your Lover's Lover
3:53 AM
Mind not the tittle, let's get straight to the point.
Just when I thought I was doing well with my research (or not) about gay marriages [matrimony], they hve to suddenly come out fo nowhere and tell the world that we cannot choose which assembly we prefer to be in, which in my case, I am in GA II.
And I thought I can liquid it because Shaun and I agreed already on which GA we are in since 9872987 years ago. BUT NO, they say it's decided because they print the tags bla bla. How ridiculous is that? Giving everyone [at least, ME], the idea tht we can choose which GA we want to attend.
And I am gonna be SOOO GREAT you'll faint.
because shaun is THE great speaker and he's so omfg serious about it I think he made all the research bla bla. And now we have NO CHOICE but to exchange our researchs bla bla. And I haven't even do much. After reasearching about the gay one, nothing interest me. It didn't relaly matter because I just thought aiya maybe I don't need so much resaearch and bang, end of the day, I am gonna get all the good notes while he'll be stranded.
-.-' Here marks the end of my very uneventful post. =DLabels: MUN, School
Your Lover's Lover
6:50 AM