This whole week.
Guess what, I got exemption for almost everyday this week. LALLALALALA!
And it's maths now shit. I am determined not to attend maths for the rest of the week since its already a record for not attending her class thsi whoel week lalalala.
but now the darren, wei zhong and jen chung and the rest of the world which confists of prefects have to leave me alone here. Heartless lor wtf! Then they will run away la! And then maths two lesson now I can't go back. That munap already called ma the 'pontenger' wtf!
I don't mind attending kh tho. But maths? NO. Chances are tomorrow I wont be attending school. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAH and I'll be attending my first piano class after so long lalala wtf. And also do my hair. i want some pink extensions wtf. =)
There's lots of picture but I can't load it now. The cable is at home. T__T'
OKAY LA BYE BYE LA ISH.Labels: bitches, exemptions, love, skip class, teachers
Your Lover's Lover
10:47 PM
I have so many pics to post up!
But I've been busy this few days sighs. =)
Oh and children's day celebration tomorrow! Omg and you know wht's stupid is I blew so many balloons today I can faint. -__-'
i promise you pictures of tomorrow bye!
Your Lover's Lover
6:53 AM
To a certain extend, all of us here enjoys attention okay.
I don't see how is it wrong to love attention, really. And definitely, I don't understand a shit about how is it that when people calls you and 'attention seeker' it's supposed to be an insult. And what's funny is that sometimes people can write a page long of comments telling you that you are attention seeking, when their actions clearly proves that they are not very much different from us.
To leave a comment is to demand attention, don't you think?
I am curious, in what sense, if any at all, that my attention seeking nature does you harm? I don't get it how someone can actually call you an attention seeker just after reading a post of yours. You know what..
To make a remark like that, proves that you are no better.
Don't you think leaving a comment is already attention seeking? Smiling to a stranger is ALSO attention seeking? Not forgetting that even talking to people for the sake of interacting slash whatever is ALSO attention seeking?
Applying make up is attention seeking. Wearing skirt attention seeking. Perm your hair also attention seeking. Buy nice bag ALSO attention seeking. -__-' Go die la wtf.
I hereby confess that i love attention. I love love love attention. I can't see how is it possible for me to live without it. And I think it's perfectly normal to love attention. Not like I kill you mom to get your attention wtf. Not like I HAVE to be a whore to get attention double wtf okay.
Wah you people hate attention so much go bury yourself la wtf.
EVERYONE loves attention okay! Even Osama loves attention wtf! If not, he wont' bomb tht WTC. Wah this one bomb one whole building! Osama is a huge attention seeker lor then IS IT?! HE IS SO KAWAII WTF HE LOVE ATTENTION!!!!! ^o^
Yes yes no wonder I find him cute wtf and I think we are very similar to each other. =.='
All of us here are attention seekers, it's just the matter of how many of us have the guts to admit it. Labels: attention, general, humans
Your Lover's Lover
8:04 AM
No suitable tittle.
You know what's the greatest feeling of all?
To tell yourself that everything WILL be alright the next second even though its next to disaster now. To argue and argue and know that you WILL win. To discuss everything over a cup of coffee and know the matter WILL dissolve.
It never cease to amaze me how much i know what will happen. I don't call it prediction. I just know. I just somehow do.
There's so much I am feeling right now about friends and family and yet I cannot pour it out to anyone except to a guy. It's not that everyone around me aren't good friends, it's just that theres certain things you guys won't understand. How can you put yourself in my shoes when we've not experienced a thing in common. And funny thing is how I can carry on living my life although the burden of expectations is still not lifted off my shoulders.
Sometimes, i don't know what you want exactly. Is being happy for me such a hard thing to do? Why must you always compare? Who are you to even teach me? I am not going to follow your footsteps and be a nobody.
I need more time. Bye.
Your Lover's Lover
9:02 PM
Die la you moral paper blah.
Edit: I WANT THT GOLD SONY VAIO LIKE REALLY REALLY BADLY! Guess I'll start nagging dad again mwaheheheh! -__-'
Guess what. After reading Brit's post, I suddenly remember how I SHOULD post my moral essay here. I wrote like 2 pages long and I got 3 marks WTF!
SERIOUSLY LOR I DESERVE LIEK 13 OUT OF 10 LOR! Those lauyah ppl wrote 1 short paragraph and they got 7! HOW CAN LIKE THT!
Some more I even included smileys and sweat faces in my essay! HOW CREATIVE!
Cheh. No wonder I failed.Labels: Exams
Your Lover's Lover
7:07 AM
I feel happy today.
Cuz I skipped class almost the whole day helping with he Prom votings. And I don't have to see someone's face. Great.
Why can't everyday BE LIKE THIS.
Oh and I am not coming tomorrow. Don't find the point. No exemption= no fun.
Anyone going for prom? I am. =D I don't know la but form one's a little cold towards that event. WHY? -__-'
Your Lover's Lover
4:13 AM
We're even.
And you don't have to know why and how.
It's all about the impression, no? Some things are better left unsaid.
Your Lover's Lover
5:21 PM
Okay I've been quite urm..happy this week lalala. -__-'
Firstly, it was Putri's open house on Wednesday. Stupidly enough, we didn't take any photos. Blargh. Too busy cough cough. Those present will get what I mean =P
Choco. I swear I didn't arrange it on purpose weih a 'PZ' come out when I opened the box!
Okay then on Friday. During moral.
Some were...playing chess.
MANY were cough gambling.
And I am not joining them cuz I am so slow I dunno how to play whatever they were playing. T__T' fail gilerrr -__-' So, Chea and I...started camwhoring wtf. We were so evil we took Desmond's bag to our places and then when Desmond came to take it back we ask him 'WHY IS YOUR BAG HERE HARRR!'
See what malice can do. ;)

Your Lover's Lover
6:01 AM
Sorry for the lack of...updates.
Well, I've been busy.
Doing something 99% of my friends have no faith in. Nevermind, I don't need your support. When I make a million bucks, we'll see who's laughing.
Okay, I have a dilemma. For real.
Should I cut my hair short or leave it long.
YES, SHOULD I SNIP IT OR NOT! Cuz you see, it's so annoyign now that it's of, shoulder length. The process of hair growth I've never liked. I am fine with both long or short, although I would say I've pretty much adjusted to life with short hair. Long hair MIGHT look nice on me in the near future but the process of growing is just....agonizing. -__-"
Truth be told, I hate tying my hair. Too stereotyped. 9/10 the population of girls in the school have long hair. And I am one of the very few who decided to cut it short. Although it didn't become a precedent for others to follow like the Emily hairstyle, but people say I look
less fat. -__-'
The cheeks, I mean. So, should it go or not?
AND HOR...since 4837894 years ago I have this vision of myself with long long hair so I can curl it with unique looking locks. But then now, sighs, I doubt so. I seriously need your opinions! Don't ask me to follow my heart because the heart can't think. The brain can. But the brain is currently used for more important matters that could affect my future. Well, yes. It affects more than my hair. How rare do you hear me say something is more important than my hair?
And according to Nick, I am weird because I have this obsession cuts. -_-"
Guys hate hair cuts so they won't understand. =/
Your Lover's Lover
8:21 PM
It's a new record..AGAIN.
not broken by me but my mom.

omg i didn't know I have such a teror mom. The guy who got the highest in my class yang itu Lee Kok How, the guy who plays like ALL GAMES int he world, scored only a humble 3 million. AND MY MOM....
Your Lover's Lover
3:50 AM
Happy Hari Raya!
Sighs, the irony of it all.
Nevermind, not like many of you actually get what I mean. And I reckon I shouldn't elaborate more. ;P
But the roads are so free these few days I tell you it's so unlike KL. Shopping MUST be good. No crowds, no whatever. It's just you, the shop, and your wallet.
How cool more can the city get?
The evil twin in me somehow wished those who return to their kampungs tragedy or hope tht they'll enjoy nature more to the extend tht they wanna stay there forever and NEVER return. Yeah yeah I am selfish wtf. But the real me is REALLY nice and kind [double wtf] so yeap, I wished them no tragedy.
I just wish tht they'll bring em some sweets sighs. =/
BYE LA SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI BOO BYE! =PLabels: city, festivals, kampungs
Your Lover's Lover
9:11 PM
Life is a game.
Yes, I don't know what went into me cuz I accidentally deleted my previous post with 3489729837 pics which took like 3897425709750 days to upload.
Sighs. I am NOT gonna go through loading those pictures again. So yeah, here are some eye candies a friend sent to me yesterday.
Yeap, when I was busy concentrating on my paper, this was what's happening two floors above.
Darren: you know who's wei ping?
Me: urm yeah.
Darren: wait..i send you the picture
*receives picture above*
Me: =___='
hahaha but they REALLY look alike weih! replica of each other! XD
I just felt tht I should spread the gayness around! Happy happy! =)
Oh and today, I feel so accomplished.
I bought a fake pack fo UNO cards for 2 bucks. -______________-"
Caption behind the box: Easy to pick up...impossible to put down!
Is it even correct @__@' Even if it isn't this must be one of the better english captions I've seen on the packings of 'made in china' goods.
Just like the real one!
Okay fine, not really. The color's cacated but what do you expect? It's only 2 bucks -__-"
I don't even know why I bought it.....thinking of it now, it's pretty much a waste of money @__@".
Even the instructions is so long.
Full of funny english of course. I mean, YOU'VE ALREADY COPIED 99% OF THE ORIGINAL THING WHY NOT JUST COPY THE WHOLE THING. It just amazes me how people still wanna TRY being original when they've already copied so much, might as well do 100% the same la. As thought it'll even make a difference.
Some other random pics I found in my phone.
Putri, Colin and I decided that rewinding those old good times when we were younger wasn't and isn't a crime. =)

Imagine having those ribena purple balloon looking monster jumping around on the floor and you are supposed to step on them. So retarded okay!!! And then when you steep it there's some loud 'side effects' WEEEE! or something. And lagi pathetic is kids REALLY steps on it. At the entrance some more omg tak malu meh?
Malaysians, malaysian. -.-'Labels: Books, Good Deals, Pictures, retard, supermarket
Your Lover's Lover
1:19 AM
This year's gone.
6 down 30 more to go.
Yeap, THIRTY more exams, trials, assessments more to go in 4 more years of my secondary life.
My first final examination of my secondary life's gone for good. For how long can we celebrate? However much I love the first class crowd this year, I am nothing less than sure that we won't possibly see some of them in the same class next year. And till now, only God knows if I am gonna stay in the first or not.
Yes, you may be thinking, so what if I am not in the first? Does the class really matters? No. It doesn't matter at all.
Now, that's where you are wrong.
The company, the crowd, the teacher, the ambiance, the present, the everything.
That's how much it would cost me, should I drop class next year. Results will be out probably in a week or so and I have way too much to worry for. Why? Because I am always somewhere in the middle between the first class and the second. And now that I've paved my way to the top, I know I'll never be contented somewhere else.
Yes yes, talk about how much I don't deserve staying in this class. You're not at all wrong because truth be told, people around me work SO hard to sustain where they are. Me? I've not only procrastinated my prevision for a grand total of two weeks, I did not even touch my KH much. I was and still is the average girl in class. So it really got me wondering, how can a girl stay where she is, when she can't score anything more than an A.
I am a very very greedy girl to want so much when I am not even performing. All I want is everything.
Your Lover's Lover
10:20 PM
Your Lover's Lover
5:55 AM
I am weird
Now is one of those times when I really don't doubt that statement.
More of than not, I just brush the fact that I am weird aside when people tells me that. Seriously, how weird can I be just because I dislike Caramel cakes? Yes, that's why I had never brought myself to accept the fact that I am somehow weird. People who waltzed in and out of my life told me I am weird. It's yet another thing I can never figure out till today.
Maybe that's one of the question I'll ask God when I die. Blek.
I somehow feel the word 'weird' is so overrated. Maybe it's the lack of adjectives, maybe it's the lack of one's vocabulary. People tend to throw that word at me just and when they like mainly because I differ from them. Yes, to many of my peers, i am one of the more obstinate girls they've ever met. Just because I am not as submissive as other girls, it doesn't mean I am weird. Yes yes, I am different because I am abnormal and all.
How about wording it as 'I am different because all of you are the same' huh?
Yes, I may be obstinate and all and it's neither good nor bad. It's just me. There's no right or wrong in this matter because it's just the way I am. It's just whether you like me or you don't.
It just annoys me how everyone thinks that everything unlike them is weird. Yes, maybe to you, having chicken rice with thousand island topping is weird but I've seen people doing it. [few hours ago, to be precise] Whether or not it's for attention, I dare not be too sure. Yes, it's only normal that everyone has a fair share of their opinions but not everything MUST be subjected to their point of views. As for witnessing a guy poring salad toppings on his chicken rice, I know it's only natural that for a split second, we think that it's weird. [yes, in fact, I even muttered wtf to myself -___-" monolog dalaman okay!]
But then again, there's so many things in this world better left unsaid.
Yes, maybe sometimes, words do get somehow choked out before you realize it. But how often can that happen huh? Once, twice, thrice? But when it happens too often, it's these remarks that breaks a friendship. It's these remarks that marks the end to almost everything between us. Be it my cravings for donuts, my obsession towards Lee Hom or anything else for that matter, sometimes, I can't help but wonder, if I am really "weird"that weird to you, why not just end this friendship with a whack of a knife?
Just like how xiaxue says it, we've got to accept the fact that when people are different from us, it need not necessarily means that it's for the worse. It's just like how sometimes I am SO tempted to shout 'if you think you're so fucking clever, don't bother coming to school la, genius!' at whoever who tells me the questions I put forward are dumb. I mean, what's worse when the guy who tells you so is like what? 10 times worse than you intellectual wise?
And the next time someone tells me off for being who I am, I will. For real.
Your Lover's Lover
2:29 AM
Life's brief candle.
Note: I wasn't and isn't emo whtevr and I will not attempt suicide wtf thank you. I just felt like I need to write a piece of my own suddenly. Literature instincts? I know it's bad shut up.
However fragile
who are we to fail God
life's a journey
so adventurous it makes me wonder
are we living for ourselves
or are we here to be puppets
or the one controlling the strings
a thousand miles
knowledge's what we sought
we think highly
of ourselves oh look into the mirror
are we being ourselves
or just part of a play
where nobody
nobody after some time
remember us for who we are
but a slayer
who's nothing more than being selfish
killing others for one self's benefit
reflections reflections
that's life and
forever we shall strive
for we are never satisfied
greedy with all our might
that's life and one day
we shall return to God
life how flesh turns into dust
like how a rich man dies poor
like how we carry nothing to the next world
like how falling leafs return to its roots.Labels: Life, poem, shakespeare
Your Lover's Lover
8:45 AM
Who are you to be judging me?
Yes, I said that to a guy four years my senior.
Apparently, he judge me just by reading my blog or rather, just the profile. And he think he's such a smart ass judging me and all not knowing that he was talking to ME. =)
Yes, dear matured senior you got fooled for one and a half hour by a 13 year old, genius.
Let me show you some screenshots of a convo I had with a distant friend. Okay, not exactly friend pun but nvrm la. It's one of the silliest I had in months/years. -.-'
Enlarge it. -__-"
Super terrible ppl come to me and say hi to me then say I am not lenglui wtf. o.0
I said to him 'apa' becuz tht was what nick said to him and he replied WAT APA? WANNA FIGHT IS IT so yeah, I said apa and he didn't say tht so I said it. I said 'what you want? wanna fight is it?' and he said 'ah can also'.
Aiya nick's definition of having balls isn't playing dota la it's just an example. -__-"
And he said tht nick has no balls when nick refused to accept his 'challenge' and I told him that to different guys, they have diff opinions when it comes to 'having balls'. Yes, note the thing I circled in red.
Read on -__-"
Aiyor you think only you know how to act dumb is it -__-"
he said dota sucks a min ago and now he says its fun bullying ppl, YES HE KEPT CALLING NICK SEI FEI H*I LA I DIDN'T MAKE THT UP -_____-'
I thought maybe I could 'defend' nick a little by telling him he's strong and all but this guy's still so insistent that picking up a fight is fun and to show 'one has balls' despite me arguing that fighting isn't heroic. TRUE WERT FIGHTING VERY YENG MEH?! @__@"
Yeah yeah fighting very yeng losing a pair of arms is more yeng in my opinion wtf. -__-"
Okay that's about it .
No, wait. There's one more.
Looks familiar? -___-"
Yes, this time its another GUY trying to copy the drawing Wei Zhong drew [refer to previous post] asking me not to say wtf. Pure plagiarism! [wanna copy but it's STILL ugly -_-']
Please ppl, stop drawing me pictures like tht asking me to stop wtf except if your drawing's like Picasso or something. [okay maybe I don't know if picasso's an artist, but still..] No wonder I love shaun tan la, he's the only guy who ask me to not stop that habit of mine! That's my trademark wor. TRUE TRUE =D
Exam's in two days. Can anyone instill some sense of urgency into me? Okay la, not all subjects terrible. I'll just name you the subjects I am terrible in. Aiya not alot not alot. =)
Maths, Bm, Geo, Sc, KH, History, English.
Okay maybe that's ALL THE SUBJECTS but nvrm I am strong -__-" CAN ONE LAH. [tidak apa attitude, again.]
Omg this is my ultimate other half/darling/ whtever!
=D *smiles from ear to ear*
That must be the ultimate kick start to my examination week. Donuts must be some lucky charm okay! [since it's so nice] Labels: donuts, maturity, retard, screenshots, seniors, sugar
Your Lover's Lover
8:14 PM
Okay this is just a brief update wtf.
So yeah, apparently some people have problems with me putting wtf at the end up my sentence wtf. -___-" it's just a habit lah not like when i talk to you in real like i am REALLY gonna say wtf pun. -___-" It's just that sometimes when you say some sorhai things you just wanna make it apparent that it's some JOKE although it already is VERY obvious but then aiya sometimes people are just a little slow so with a wtf behind they KNOW that it's a lame joke and wont get offended lor.
A stupid convo i had with a friend yesterday. I used too many wtf and here's wht he 'drew' for me.
Yeah, thanks. -.-'
Yes, a girl in a skirt SHOULD NOT say wtf. -.-' He's the second person who told me not to. The first was foo. Okayla I try to break this habit lah. -.-'And yeah, i JUST REMEMBER i had a post pretty long ago whcih i haven't completed. And it's full of pictures. Omg how stupid can I be. I can only remember when I was searching for the picture above and I stumble upon some other pics. Okay okay I PROMISE I'll upload it tomorrow. Or the day after, or after. Nvrm.And there's also some DOLL pics I made pretty long ago which once again, I completely forgot to post. I even edited it and it's ready to be posted BUT I JUST FORGET THINGS. Omg talk about memory loss. -__-" And final's next week. I wonder how am I gonna face it. -.-'okay i better go now cuz i am VERY tempted to say wtf and i already backspaced many wtfs actually. -.-' so from now on I can only use -.-' to describe the wtf emotion wtf. Darren says it reminds him of me whenever he sees that emoticon. Memang pun teroverused.-.-'
I WANT DONUTS!!! T___T" Labels: donuts, Me Myself and I, sugar
Your Lover's Lover
7:48 AM
Me think me gonna burst big big.
Wtf okay like seriously I think I am on the verge of bursting already.
Talk about communication breakdown....again.
Like sometimes it's just pure embarrassing, when the other party don't' get what you are trying to say due to languages barrier.
English is indeed the universal language. Don't deny ANYMORE la. And I would say I am REALLY surprised seeing many of my peers can't even understand basic English. I have to go an extra mile to get the message across, which I believe, is an effort too tiresome for both of us. Like seriously, nobody can lend you ANY help when you can't understand something as simple as 'during break and lunch, who do you mix with' means.
Yes, it's so simple yet after numerous attempts, I still fail to get the answer I desire. At first, it was a 'during break and lunch, who do you hang out with' and she didn't get what I meant. So I reckon the word 'hang out' is a tad too hard for whoever she is, so I resorted to 'mix with' and she still don't seem to get what I am saying.
And funny thing is, I don't know who that person is. She added me on MSN and I've made attempts to at least have a clue on who she is but looks like she can't fathom what I am saying so yeah, I guess my efforts are pretty much wasted. I don't mind actually, speaking to them slowly. It just piss me off, seeing that the resources around them are aplenty, they could have at least made some effort to improve. I believe smarter child's just a click away, so is it really that hard to just double click on that buddy of mine and ask him what the word 'mix' means.
Yes, I do know that nobody's perfect and therefore, there must be something everyone isn't good at. Be it language or anything else for that matter, nobody is flawless. I don't mind talking to them slowly if they don't get what I say at first. My impression of them just turns sour once they start making ME look like the one who has a damn problem and proceed to just walk away as though I am the one in need.
If it's not ignorance, I don't know what it is.
I may not be perfect, but I could at least do my bit to help. Because I know how it feels like, to be the only one feeling like an alien when you don't understand what everyone around you are saying. I remember how my cousins used to pass unpleasant remarks over my disability to converse in mandarin. Maybe it was my bad that I can't even recognize my own surname in mandarin but wtf is wrong with that? Just because you guys fuckin speak mandarin, it doesn't make you the superior lot, does it?
And I felt so left out, until I discover my inner talent to BE ABLE TO SPEAK AFTER ALL+ PERCUMA CHINA ACCENT..and also that my mandarin is better than their english. Oh wells, nobody's perfect right? ;) Do some self reflection before commenting on my mediocre chinese. [yes, mediocre, not terrible. -_-"]
I guess it's just the effort to try that shows. Labels: ignorance, Language, Life, world
Your Lover's Lover
2:18 AM