you don't have to tell me i am the world's biggest bitch, i am. i was, i am and i will. wanna take over the throne? that will take you another 498798 years of bitching, dear insignificant saddist. didn't you mom teach you not to be greedy? go back to reigning your Land of Faggotary. :) seriously, some people have to start learning that certain words are not meant to be thrown around because a misusage really does make someone sound stupider than what they already are.
today, i shall start off with the overrated 'fuck'. like seriously, it's not a word you insert into your sentence just and when you like. even when the situation doesn't call for it, many tend to insert it as a verb/noun/adjective, making themselves sound like some total idiot sometimes. i remember some girls in my class using the word without a base wtf. she just dislikes this girl and she went all 'she's a fucker' and it made me go o.o because i really don't know how to respond to such a statement. i mean, if you said 'she's a fucking bitch', i would have understood your point and that the F word is only there to emphasize the following word wtf. like i can't possibly go add like 'yeah right, she's a damn fucker' right?! -.-'
don't get me wrong, i am not trying to portray myself as a total saint because that would be so hypocritical of me. i am not against the word, definitely. the agenda of today's post is still about how ppl misuse it.
next, is something relevant to the above mentioned. yes, 'mother fucker'. like zomg ya allah how do you even define a 'mother fucker'? you can't be meaning it literally, can you? like hello, how many of us here have actually met a REAL mother fucker, genius? and it is in fact pretty offensive because you are dragging the person's MOTHER into it wtf. like zomg if you hate someone, you call him a 'fucker' or whatever, you don't call him a MOTHER fucker. there. i don't even know how to use it pfft maybe i am just too lame for this word. -_-' anyone care to explain please?
now we're moving to the typical ah pek 'ni ah mah chow hai' thing. to those chinese illiterate, let me translate it. it literally means 'you mom smelly cunt' wtf. and that direct trasnlation, i don't even know how to glorify/beautify such a vulgar saying wtf even thesaurus can't help. now what i don't get is, why must you FUCKING (hah there, i am using the word) drag someone's mom into it? and how the hell do you know if her loins is smelly? and on another note, isn't that VERY sexist? why is it all sub-to-women huh? why isn't there anything like 'your dad has a rotten penis' or something?
okay i feel like writing somewhere else already so bye.
wait. why is WTF not mentioned since it's pretty much my trademark? because it's not vulgar, stupid. it's not offensive in however way you choose to view it. it's a mere 3 letter which if directed at no one. and i don't write the F in it's original ofrm, so there's nothing to be worked out about. i don't get it why is it many of you have some godknowswhat problem with me using wtf? it's me it's me it's just me. what is there to be unhappy about?
Your Lover's Lover
11:02 PM
I am such a geek wtf.
you know what i love about blogs? it's the insecurities that your past may just vanish into thin air put to rest. you may write a post as and when you feel like it, and the good thing is that your page would never be deleted.
was jumping from blog to blog as usual. but this time around, i don't know why but i still clicked on some links even though i know very well there will be no updates and the blog is well, practically dead. and then i stumble upon this blog of my friend's. she wrote this like a year ago, and i wonder how true is it.
Phooi Sze: u can ask her anything and she has an answer for you. very brave also. . even when the teacher's mad or angry la..the class's so silent.she can put up her hand and ask whether we can go for our break for the behalf of the prefects. haha.. fun to talk to. and, she's the sifu in blogging.. too good dee..
there. it was written a year ago, and i really don't know if it's still applicable.
brave? if it's my straight forwardness you were talking about, rest assured that it's still very much a part of me even till today. but the thing here is that i no longer express that quality of mine like before- the sole reason you saw me as who i was. change or no change? fun to talk to? yes, undeniably i WAS pretty fun to talk to until i don't know when la when i suddenly wake up and found myself boring. i've turned into a full time geek, sorry. -.-' sifu of blogging? definitely not what i am today. not anymore, at least.
oh wells. what do you have to say about me? =)
Labels: changes, Life, Me Myself and I, past
Your Lover's Lover
10:31 PM
i know you are addressing me, who are you kidding with? but as of the subject of today's topic, you are the one chosen. so, stop acting like and immature fafagly and count your blessings because if it's attention that you wanted, you've got it. =)
please bear in mind that this post is not meant as an explanation, because i shall quote the phrase made infamous my yours truly AGAIN...
i don't owe you an explanation.
there. simple and sweet. back to the agenda of this post. if over reacting is not the word, i don't know what is. if you could be angered this easily, i reckon you need a few more years of pre-schooling before calling yourself a useful member of planet earth. as what putri's mom told me, it is indeed proven that maturity kicks in slower for boys than for girls.
but never have i thought that one could define the word 'slower' for what seems like an entire lifetime. yes, if you tell me a guy matures slower than a girl by like 2 years, i definitely have no doubts about it. but to be slower than your peers by a lifetime? now that's what i call taking things a little too far, kid. perhaps even the best brain surgeons in the world can't do much to help. if you're born with it, live with it.
it has been long since i last did this, but for whatever it is worth, this is exactly what i am doing now. for you. i don't even need to mention your name- you know who you are. although there is no such thing as bad publicity (as claimed by jyp if i am not wrong), the logic in me tells me that by the way you acted, a little fame wouldn't do you good. if a slight mention of the name could cause such a stir, i wonder what would everyone witness should i mention your name, bold it, italic it and perhaps put it in the largest size blogger would allow me to? there, i am being a megabitch again. but who cares? you have no one to blame but your shallowness for it was that which caused you the 'humiliation of a lifetime'.
me england is of no powderfullness but should you need assistance in using the dictionary, kindly ask. i'll be more than glad to offer a helping hand to a 'sad living proof to the beings that human failures do exist', because you obviously DID underestimate AND hyperbolize the definition of 'humiliation'. should you treat such a small occurrence as a matter of life and death, IT IS indeed time that you wake up and 'face the real world', whatever you mean by that. your failure is when your mind (yeah, mind. it's against your will wtf it's your mind. yeah right. *rolls eyes* lalal) keep insisting that us juniors are incapable of speaking our minds.
and just because you are our senior, it doesn't mean that we HAVE to live under your shadow and love you for who you are. it's not obligatory, fyi. there's something i really don't want to break to you at times like this, but IF ONLY you had an idea beforehand how much we dislike you, maybe you wouldn't have harbored such expectations that we juniors have to worship you out of respect. because no, respect are not to be showered unto the shallow ones. it doesn't mean that just because you are older in existence (age is just a number in the mind lalalala i cant hear you lalalala~ -.-'), you can literally throw your weight around and we as JUNIORS have to lower our heads and give in to your ridiculous whines JUST BECAUSE you are older. [!!!]
maybe even I would have tolerated some of these nonsensical rubbish if it weren't you. maybe- just maybe- i would still a degree of respect left for you even by now, if it weren't for your stupid stereotyped mentality that we, or rather, *I*, am incapable of 'humiliating' someone older than me in age. and you really need to get your facts straight before jumping into conclusions that you were betrayed. there. your tendency of overexaggerating and throwing big sounding words which is most of the time, too powerful an adjective to be applicable at the tiny weeny situation you are in which as a guy, you shouldn't make a fuss about. all putri meant by 'justice is served' is how the truth have prevailed. all she was trying to say is that she, just like the rest of the world, saw through your string of lies.
maybe you want to sound smart. i don't know. if you can't even make sense out of such a simple sentence, please have a moment of self-reflection before calling ME a bitch. if calling me that makes you happy, let me reassure you here that calling me a bitch DOESN'T do your anger justice. why? simply because i am too thick faced (and i am a self-confessed bitch ANYWAY heh lalala go dial L for loser la). and on another note, it's funny seeing how you make a fool out of yourself by those threats which i am 101% sure WILL NEVER EVER materialize.
never in your wildest dreams, kiddo. it takes wayyy more guts than what you are having now. ;) easier said than done, get it?
and if you need SOMEONE to tell you how it's not even cool to say such things when you can't do it, congrats to you because you've found the honest one. i don't know if it's out of courtesy or whatever shits because obviously i am not someone with a 'beautiful personality' so positive that i could go around sucking up even to people i dislike. i don't believe in treating EVERYONE nicely. there are just people MADE to be hated, and i shall not go against the law of nature wtf. if i dislike you, you know it. you just do. =)
let me make it crystal-clear here. however flattered i am by the fact that a no-brainer hurts himself on purpose (whatever his ulterior motives are full stop i don't care), please bear in mind that i am not to be held liable for any injury/death/medical bills caused by your stupidity. good luck and all the best in cutting yourself. =D
if it was attention that you wanted, I've got none to splurge. if it was sympathy that you needed, i've none left to spare. if it was a fight you had in mind,
bring it on.
because obviously, it's indeed THAT hard for you to form a sentence with zero grammatical and/or spelling errors, let alone create a coherent argument out of your 'here-wrong-there-wrong-everywhere-also-wrong' sentences. if you think being older is a plus point as it makes you a person with a sharper tongue, you are wrong. oh, look who's better at it? i am not facing difficulties when it comes to forming a group of sentences also known as a paragraph. and most importantly, i never run out of things to say. =)
p/s: you need spell check TERRIBLY. 'Anger' is spelt with a single G, genius. =)
p/p/s: stop bothering HER since you think she betrayed you. it's none of her business and all. you've just gotta grow up and handle things by yourself instead of being such a dependent on others. it's a nuisance, you know?
Labels: 'why-are-you-so-stupidla-why-oh-why', attention, Bitchings, kiasu, maturity, retard
Your Lover's Lover
9:36 AM
no tittle wtf.
pictures. =3

My breakfast which i found pretty. -_-'

sinfully sweet wtf.

how i wish my skin is this flawless in reality sighs.

my lashes looks long here although it's barely noticeable in person -.-'

I like this pic alot, somehow.

phone phone.

The christmas deco in Times. =)

which i really love. =)
Dear Santa, the following is my christmas wishlist for year 2007. although i don't own a pine tree at home or have a sock dangling by my bedside, there is no reason for you to neglect my wants and be an oblivious bitch. you may place the gifts by my doorstep, thank you.
1. eyeliners wtf. of all type. kolh, gel, pen whatever.
2. pretty pumps. T.T
3. cash. lots of em.
4. nail polish remover WTF. -___-'
6. a dog! T__T' really wan wtf. i want a maltese!
7. a cool school bag.
9. cash.
10. cash
seela, i am not THAT demanding a girl. if you revise the list again, you'll actually realize i ask for things that i WANT because i NEED it. not just anything that's great in monetary value.
okayla bye bye edit pictures now la wtf.Labels: christmas, festivals, Pictures, wants, wishlist
Your Lover's Lover
9:20 AM
a toast for who i am
why is it that every time i take the trouble to do a good deed, sometimes all out of the way even, NOBODY says anything about how kind a soul i am yadda yadda. i decreased my bitching sessions drastically and NOBODY thank me for my thoughtfulness (and civilization wtf). for every considerate act of mine, NONE of you were there to witness it.
why? that's because i don't blog about it. and apparently, some of you out there are so used to the mentality that i am who i portray myself to be in my blog. theres no past no present no future of me wtf. i exist now because you see me updating but if i don't update in two days, i am dead. all you guys know is how i am my blog and how my blog is me.
and it's stupid how some of you think you know so much about me just reading my writings. i reach out to the world by writing, but that doesn't mean i am as interesting as my stupid hello kitty banner. to presume that i am a bimbotic megabitch just by reading my ramblings is not only unfair to me but to you to. you know nothing about me, but you choose to carry the misjudged impression of me to death.
i am not saying i am a saint; i wasn't, isn't and never will be. but just because i don't believe in angels, it doesn't mean its FINE to be misunderstood as a satanist. and more often than not, whenever i speak my mind, you sadists never fail to find a valid reason to speak against my opinions which are never biased most of the time (except when i am not in the right frame of mindla wtf). to offer a piece of your mind, you are always welcomed. but what i dislike is you people stringing it into sentences which sounds rather accusive (rude, even) to me lor.
it's as though you are emphasizing on how my opinions are WRONG and how yours are right. let me say it once more, opinions are NEVER WRONG, no matter how biased it is. opinion is a point of view one choose to subject to due to various reasons. and as for me, the reasons are often not mentioned here.
and that's how you people start talking and acting like you've known me for a century already. like you know every single detail of me better than me myself. like you are so sure there's no reasons to why am i talking like a bitch. like how i am JUST A BLOG and my existence is nothing beyond this humble site you visit everyday.
and that's where you are wrong.
but i can't blame you, can i? yes yes it's my fault for not mentioning how so and so really got on my nerves because i don't think explanations are required. i don't owe you any; keep that in mind. what you see are just the exterior. i don't find the point in revealing what, when, where and why a person i dislike offends me simply because this is MY BLOG and why the hell should i blab about the reason THAT person hates ME. if you curious butts really wanna know a fair share on how the other party and i could possibly get so sour, why not you ask him/her then?
in this blog, please keep in mind that you are reading MY thoughts and MINE only. and because you can't literally see the both of us hurling insults at each other, you naturally assume that *I* am the only bad guy here.
you naturally assume that i fuckin slap a kid when i tell you i hate babies whining. you naturally assume that i skin a cat alive when i tell you how much i hate cats.
human nature?
no, i don't think so. all i can say is if you dislike me, you will for the rest of your life. i am not that lovable anyway. who ever said i was? to hate me? you don't need a reason.
you don't have to point out my flaws because that's like stating the obvious. it's everywhere actually. all you need is some patience to read my posts since some of you out there enjoy treating my existence as though i am my blog and my blog is me.
and you can't question my being, because my individualism is not yours to change. =)
PhooiSze Labels: Me Myself and I, Opinions
Your Lover's Lover
10:27 PM
Le Tapis Rouge 2007
Yes, prom in short. i don't even know why on earth they decided to put such a 'catchy' name in latin/ spanish/ italian/ whatever. wouldn't calling it the red carpet be so much easier? nevermind nevermind.
so yes, this was my first prom and probably the last until form 5. why did i even bother going? well, there IS a reason but i don't think it'll be good to disclose it her since that said SOMEONE reads my blog heh.

At the salon near putri's hse.
but so many of you didn't notice! =( whyla you all so insensitive one!
i am vain wtf don't tell me how i should go natural to save walrus because i don't believe in such a cause. look, let's get real okay. with makeup getting so advanced now that it even includes lots of 'scientific researches', do you still believe that a naturale is STILL prettier than a girl with 'layers of paints on her face' wtf. it's okay if you believe that going natural is better, everyone has their own opinions.
but what i dislike is people coming up to me as say 'OMG don't wear makeup la go natural make up is fake beauty!'. hello, who are YOU to be teaching me? yes yes i know i am so vain for my age but to be 'waiting for the right age' every time you want to do something to change your look is pure stupid. how long long can you be alive anyway? what i know is that you'll have plenty of time being dead, so why limit yourself to the the period of one's existence which is merely a number in your mind? and does that in any sense, bother your mission to save the world from using up all its natural resources namely the petroleum to create tubes and tubes of vaseline for us vain people to grow our eyelashes?
and back to my eyebrows, it's the same as make up anyway. it's fake, yes it is. i am born with naturally thick and messy eyebrows, and i am more than glad to emphasize that it was something of the past. if you were to ask me, i definitely look way better now than before, looking back at old pictures. i remember how a teacher once told me that she refused to shape her eyebrows during her wedding because it's 'against god's will'.
if that's the case, don't brush your teeth then. it's GOD'S WILL that you eat and you stain your teeth. =) there, it's the same. and ironically, she does wear makeup. and don't you think it's against god's will that your lips are maroon in color instead of the natural sheer pink?
So shut up and let the narcissists be the narcissists. =D

She looks so flawless in this picture

me again wtf.

seriously, if you were to ask me, i would never want to return to that place ever again. firstly, the lady over there was so unprofessional. we both wanted soft curls but she advised us against it. ok fine, we appreciate your piece of advise because you should know better right?
so she start pinning putri's hair and she suddenly start doing some samurai hair for her. when she voiced out on how she dislike it, the lady freaking bitched about her with me in cantonese.
wait, i mean, TO ME. not WITH me. she start commenting on how putri has no fashion sense and how as customers we should completely trust her and should not question her belief in what's best for us, which i strongly disagree. what putri told me later made sense. we are paying for it, and we have the rights to tell them what we want and we don't.
like hello auntie, we are not your daughter okay wtf.
ok ok skip skip so when she did my hair she was practically so tulan over the incident. i really didn't want her to mess up my hair and so i said 'fine fine do whatever you think is right'. do i look like i had a choice? -.-' ends up, the hairdo was okay but she literally sprayed what seemed like half a bottle of hair spray into my hair, which later caused me uneasiness throughout the whole evening. -.-'
it doesn't feels nice having a rock on your head. T_T"

bare faced wtf.

her with the most expensive looking cheap bag. @@

on the way there.

her room.

she was cleansing her face when i barged in WTF -__-'

nicole's sexy back.
okay people nicole is our friend whom we brought along as afiq's date. however much i want to elaborate, i reckon i cant because knowing me, the explanations shall slowly develop into a shameless session of insult and bitching wtf (not about nicole la pfft).

after we changed.

yes yes why la my pose so tai tai ish wtf while nicole looks like she's scratching her limbs -__-'

a closer shot of myself.

you can't really see the makeup. =( the hint of blusher?
oh, tht's photoshop WTF -___-'

not emo at all -___-'
failed wtf.

yeah yeah i am the shortest bla bla bla -__-'

the ballroom.

the table deco.

the carpet -.-'
sorryla but i have this tendency of snapping random stuff.

nat who came over and snap a pic of herself and later say 'i am so damn cute!'.
haha omg she has the feature of a doll lor really! and she look even more porcelain-ish when she's wearing fake lashes!

candle light.

fyi, there were supposed to be two candles but i had to so itchy butt ask shaun to throw a rose petal into one of the candles with intentions of BURNING IT but he completely covered the flame and the fire went off. -_-'

pic rip off from nat's blog!
we had caesar salad for appetiser. i was more interested with the prawn cracker bowl than its contents. go figure.

secondly, was some soup. was mediocre to me.

this is form nat's blog too.
the main course was chicken. some really liked it but for me, it was so-so only. it tasted exactly the same as the one i had in Hot Mama and the cheese filled chicken from Secret Recipe.
maybe it's because the night wasn't really significant to me in the way the fifth formers felt, that's why. so, you people shouldn't take my comments as a review wtf because i ain't no food expert -.-'

it looks better than its taste. the bisquit thingy was pretty hard and the strawberries weren't sweet enough for my liking.
and here are some random picture we took outside.

Darren. -.-'
because you destroyed many of my pictures, i did not edit your pimples away HAH!

Nic and i.

shaun who has the cutest eyes in the world.
putri's words, not mine. xD

shaun who wanted to act gay wtf.

i don't know them wtf. -__-'

how unelegant T_T"

i find this picture funny wtf.

since when wor darren so tall T_T'

The couple for the night! =D

Nicole (!!!) and Afiq (yawns time for bed WTF why i so mean one la why.)

i look pretty nice in this pic if it wasn't for that stupid darren WTF.
up next are a sequel of picture of Chia Hoong wtf. not meant for the weak at heart. -__-'

I asked him to act gay. I mean, hello, theres a CHRISTMAS TREE beside you. how hard can it be wor?

so no semangat wtf.

still the same pose -.-'
if you notice, all his picture turns out to be expressionless. okay fine, the only expression on his face is the -.-' expression WTF. ironically, me who uses the -.-' so much don't pose like that in pictures.

okay so he's getting into the mood WTF -__-'

looks like that's the best we can get -.-'.

nat and i!
sadly, i think she's the only senior whom i took picture with. i wanted to take a picture with the president one WTF but he was nowhere to be found pfft.

see what i mean by the -.-' expression.

not took by me i swear cough cough.
and then i started daring darren and putri to go ask for a picture with a random person of the opposite sex and in the picture they must be showing their third finger wtf but they didn't layan me. and then there was this fatso who passed by and i asked putri to go take with him and i laughed and laughed the fatso looked at me omg sorry fatso didn't mean to make fun of you! -__-'

this is err.....the =3 face?

Emily who won Miss Hot Stuff.
seriously she was one of the seniors i didn't really like at the beginning but grew to like later on because i realize she's really one of the loudest and boldest person one could ever possibly meet!

moon making the walk.

moon was eventually crowned Prom Queen. =) congrats! but one thing i was really expecting to witness was her wearing the tiara but i was let down. =( the was no tiara and no that cloth thingy with the tittle miss world wear. @@


in red is sabrina who bagged the Best Dressed award.
another really really nice girl who is very smart. =)

the dancefloor.
i didn't join in the crowd because my date went home and i really wasn't in the mood to dance. by the time they start the dance many was already leaving or lingering about outside the ballroom.

the chandelier which i really liked. <3>

view from the top

is that natalie running across? -___-'
that marks the end of my very first prom! =D did i enjoy myself? well, in a way, yes. but later on when i chatted with nat she asked 'why la you all sitting so quietly like no mood like tht like eating in a normal restaurant?'
me who is usually the loud one didn't really wanna open my mouth in attempt to stay lady-like the whole night wtf. stop laughing chea i can see you laughing already -__-'.
overall, i would say it was a real eye opener. i definitely brought home more than just a seventeen magazine and some other vouchers with me that night.
but tht's besides the point, actually. -__-'
THE POINT IS GRACING THE COVER IS VANESSA ANNE HUDGENS. OH GREAT. when i saw that in the bag first thing that ran through my mind was 'oh shit what a good start to the night' WTF. T_T' and out of tidak-kepuasan, i went and bought this month's edition the next day wtf because the only reason i didn't want to buy the vanessa's issue when i saw it a few days back was because she was gracing the cover wtf. -__-'
okay one last picture of me wtf. you ppl always say i look cute right! now i show you what's cute wtf.

I AM SUCH A PLASTIC BEAUTY WTF. it really looks like those korean stars with plastic gone wrong -__-'
yes don't you think it looks like those fake plastic surgery girls? this is SO SO SO PHOTOSHOPPED wtf so you shouldnt be believing your eyes wtf i am not tht cute wtf i am ugly -__-'
those who tells me i am cute in my cbox shall die a horrid death. no joke.
enough of this wtf READ ON NEXT PART.
seriously one thing that has been lingering in my mind is why is it that people are SO EFFING DEFENSIVE when it comes to matters of height?
imagine this conversation between you and i wtf.
friend: how tall are you?
me: i am 180. =D
there. its like my shortness is of no secret but your curious butts want to know my exact height right? but if i tell you i am an 180, what will your first reaction be wtf.
yes, thts my guess tht tht'll be your ultimate reaction wtf. (damn bad lar u all wtf) and now behold, i shall show you a picture, as a solid material evidence, that you can't lie forever about your height.
what more when you are a boy and you cant wear heels WTF. good luck good luck may your string of lies never be seen through by someone like me who is so good at estimating ever again pfft.

pls click to see a bigger version of it wtf.
i swear both of them are in FLAT GROUND standing straight. and both heights are self-acclaimed. I choose to believe the chinese dude on the left, you see. =)
and this was the convo ch and i had.
me: go take pic with afiq!
ch: NO WAY! I don't wanna take pic with tht fag!
me: he say he's taller than you! now must have pictorial evidence mar!
ch: oh ok ok.
yes, he claims to be taller than chia hoong who is VERY DE TALL wtf. afiq's tall, no doubt. but when i found out he made such a claim my first reaction was 'AHHAHA WHAT!!!' because thats the way my reflexes works, sadly. =)
actually, i don't even give a shit if the guy on the right sees this because this is plain truth. these ppl need to wake up from their vivid imaginations and lead the life of a humble shortie wtf. actually i don't even know if the guy on the right is angry at me because i remember that night when shaun asked how to spell his name i said 'a-f-a-g' WTF.
please pardon my very unlady-like rude manner of speech because certain words my mind makes up are never better off left unsaid as it's like a heavy stone pulling your senses down which results in the cheeky one in you wanting to release itself from the polite good-girl shell it seek shelter from for as long as humans can remember and actually say something that will make a difference to people around you ie offending someone. =)
pfft wtf la those who know me isnt it expected pun wtf. -.-' its naturally understood that its a nature of mine i do try abstain but apparently i am failing terrible so yes, i don't owe you an explanation anyways. =D
toodles ppl. leave a comment at my cbox la wtf.Labels: boys, height, hotel, kiasu, Pictures, prom
Your Lover's Lover
8:16 PM