Before i forgettt.
if your birthdays fall on today, you are real lucky. or not? okay so in short, you celebrate your birthday once every four years and the next time i'll be able to greet everyone HAPPY LEAP YEAR, i will be 18 already.
=DLabels: greetings
Your Lover's Lover
5:26 AM
Forever? I kid you not.
seriously, forever? are you kidding me? it's easy to say, pleasant to the ears but then truthfully, deep down, do you believe in the term 'forever'? forever is a painstakingly long period of time.
in fact, seeing people throw the word around just and when they want sickens me.
don't say something if your don't mean it.Labels: misuse, words
Your Lover's Lover
1:29 AM
Busy Busy.
Sorry everyone it has been a few real hectic days and i really can't make time for blogging. and when i do have time for it, i am not in the mood so yeah, you get it lah. forensic's over. i didn't get into semi's- unsurprisingly. omg you should seriously see how those people there are all sooooooo good in speaking i am nothing compared to most of them ahem wtf.
the debate teams were all really good but tough luck, i guess? Malc and Shaun ended up debating with ALL THE BEST debate teams in the competition in the preliminary rounds. ALL the 4 they debated with got number 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the end so you get lah what i am trying to say really rotten luck wei. =_=' i don't know much about steven and veemelia's debate though. either way, i would say that the debate teams reallyyyyyyy did a great job. i think all that's lacking is the arguing like a mad lady skills one of the debators got which was rather annoying- just looking at her kiasuness WTF.
the debate finals was well, all i can say is thank god the winner won. =)
and surayyn made it to the semis. gooooddddd job! i just don't understand why the judges commented that it was alot like 'storytelling' compared to 'solo acting' because i beg to differ lor! I mean, he even CRIED ok! How many of you can huhuhuhuhuh? it was seriously a play! if this is considered storytelling, then i wonder what do you call that girl who start talking and talking was doing wtf. but on a brighteeeerrr note, isabelle and hera got into the finals.
AND GOT BRONZE! Congratsssss girls! =D realllyyy a milestone for our humble SG, ahen. =D
HEAVY picture post coming. till then, tata. ;]
i don't know if it's just me but the sight of a person just...makes me smile.
Your Lover's Lover
7:40 PM
ya allah i really need to read up more!
like forensics tomorrow and i am frantically searching for usable phrases right now. i should really read up more on Shakespeare wtf i damn like him but then his othello literature book is so deep in meaning i don't get it! *shallow la wtf*
Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog
like omg can anyone of you make sense out of that wtf is that yo can i like curse ppl with it i damn love shakespeare but why must he make reading so hard for fellow readers like me who are not really good in the the english and literary department why oh whyyy! T_T' it's like from the bottom of my heart i really want to read his pieces one lor but....sighs. =(
but i still need quotes! like omg memang last minute research ok i am a phailure beyond hope. =___=' and on a bitter note i dont know what to wear for tomorrow and i have to be in school by SEVEN wtf so early justkillmelah anyone wanna yumcha with me? T__T'
and also, shakespeare is sexist, apparently! look at what he quoted la!
"fraility, thy name is woman."
okayla bye la bye la i wanna research on more shakespeare quotes. T__T'Labels: forensics, shakespeare
Your Lover's Lover
2:23 AM
i've got enough.
i am seriously angry this time. red alert, dear friends. you guys KNOW what i turn into when i am angry.
a larger-than-life bitch, that is.
wtf if you've got a damn problem with me, tell me right in my face. STOP BOTHERING OTHER PEOPLE'S MOM. GOT GET A LIFE OR BORROW *YOUR* MOM'S (i quote, lim may zhee wtf) , TERIMA KASIH.
i don't need ANYONE to teach me how to blog. since WHEN has blogging became so commercialized that i have to succumb to your wants? I BLOG THE PHOOISZE WAY. I SAY WHAT I WANT AND IF YOU'VE GOT A PROBLEM WITH IT, GO BLOG THE WAY YOU WANT IN *YOUR* 'WHELE' OWN BLOG.
seriously i thought after everything that happened 'fine, forgive and forget.' AND TADAA, YOU JUST HAVE TO BE SUCH A STUPID BITCH BY CREATING A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILL. seriously, get some DICKnity yo. tak suka i? don't effing read my blog than, loser. what business have you got here? trying to scan for my mistakes so that you can drag me into trouble?
don't act all innocent when you yourself asked my friend about 'what will your dad say if you ask him the definition of mother fucker' because you know what? you yourself isn't any better and you try so hard to frame me? religion wise somemore fwah! i've got EVERYTHING i need to launch a caunter attack.
oh, thats EXACTLY what i am capable of, should you provoke me any further. i am already giving you more than enough face and don't you DARE think you can sit on my head. bear in mind- i've got wayyy more support than you do. wanna launch a war? even your prefect friends (i shall not mention names) dislikes you and calls you a dogmatic ok? those coming our straight from form 5 mouths. doesn't that explains ALOT about your vengeance? we seela who win we shall see who will be the one not having face to even attend school yo.
opps, am i scaring you?
dumb people should just shut up. no, really. i mean it. and don't you dare try act innocent and say it's all your friend's fault. it's YOUR fault, as far as I am concerned. mess with me and we shall see who is a BIGGER bitch pfft. i shall revive my bombing skills from the graveyard lolol why am i so funny wtf. but if it really does happen i suppose it won't be THAT funny anymore. ask anyone who read my blog during 2006- early 2007. ask vivien, brit, ariel, chea, siang and practically everyone. you will get what i mean why am i so cute omg! =DDDD
even YOUR ustazah says there is NOTHING wrong to use 'ya allah'. what else have you got to say? WHAT?! even ustazah says it's right. even the mufti of kedah says it's right. are you trying to 'over write the Koran by correcting what that isn't within your capability'?, OH MY, HOW DARE YOU! i told you guys from the beginning i KNOW i was right. :3 you don't have to find a reason so hard just to pick fault with me. you don't even need a reason lolol. =)
okla actually everyone who read this just wasted 5 mins of your life. conclusion is, you just should mind your own business and get on with your life instead of trying so hard to be involved in MINE wtf. Labels: Bitchings, fags, retards
Your Lover's Lover
5:34 AM
My cny.
yaya it's so late to blog about this i know. all pictures UNEDITED. readers discretion advised ;P
I still munched on it although according to the rest of the world, it's calories wtf. I don't see the oil literally oozing out so i actually don't really care about...the fat wtf. =.='
i fail as a girl.
Breakfast/lunch on the first or second day, i can't remember.
The jelly which REAL GOOD stuff T__T'

And then i broke my toenail on the way to my grandaunt's house. i don't even know why/how it broke i just suddenly realised it's like that! =(
The baby cousin who isn't really a baby anymore but acts like one to an extend where it pisses the whole world off at times. -_-'

This is the jaejoong look alike cousin. He really looks like jae joong in real life wtf even the way they smile although in this picture it isn't really apparent! -__-'
But his brother on the other hand, looks like TEE HAOW BIN.

Except the thin version!
NAH HAOW BIN SEE THIS IS HOW YOU WILL LOOK LIKE IF YOU SLIM DOWN i find the similarities so glaring even the voice arrgh!
Ladies and gentleman, let me present you my extended family wtf.
My bro sleeping- as usual. -_-'
And I somehow got fever. Must be because of the blazing sun i was exposed to when visiting that said grandauntie. =(
Hmm on the second day was supposed to be at Putri's grandma's open house but due to some transportation problems, it was canceled and i ended up walking in Ikea with the family wtf including my bro woah for the first time in this century wtf. -.-'
I find this picture so yeng wtf.
And due to some unknown reasons, mom asked me to just choose any casual wear instead of my new dress. o.o
ended up she was right because we only went back for dinner and there wasn't much of a celebration and all my other cousins present were wearing some simple attire too. =]
wtf have i got no shame to post this up yes i've got no shame wtf. at least my eyebrows looks nice here and i AM indeed that fat so nothing to hide T___T'
why is my life so sad wtf. T__T'

I scraped the skin behind my ankle just few days back because i was wearing this flats! sighs to those who think wearing heels is agonizing wtf sorry but i beg to differ T__T'
wearing flats is so agonizing wtf okay fine maybe it was my fault for not wearing my ankle socks first oh god who have i got to blame wtf NO ONE. T__T'
Some peanut thing. Loves.
The typical i dunno what name biscuit. I think this is kuih bakul? can't be too sure. if it's so, then the direct translation would be basket cake wtf cool name! =.='
The angpaus.
Seriously was so disappointed with this year's collection despite the fact that my paternal side of the family (i only hve paternal extended family anyways wtf) is so huge. If my memory isn't failing me, i remember how as a kid i received angpaus for all the three days.
but now? nobody is in sight even on the second day, let alone receive ang paus. sighs bye bye good ol' days!
Some CJ7 packet from sony erricson!
looking at the amount is already a disappointment. looking at how much i get to keep for myself is even sadder for the amount was so pathetic what's the point of CNY anyways? -.-'
Just to show how keng my macro is wtf. -.-'
Another CJ7 angpau dad tore before i managed to take a decent photo of.
I remember how I loved this White Bunny sweet alot as a small child. Well, apparently not anymore. I still prefer mentos anytime.
hmm and an auntie bought us dinner on the 8th on the lunar calender which is everyone's birthdays. just a popular believe. and my uncle's birthday so happens fell on that day and it's really auspicious?
The cousin.

Ahem. -.-'
The cousins. From left: kit foong's gf, kit foong, chloe, kristy and vivian.
sorry if i got the spelling wrong because you know more than I do how we don't interact much WTF.
jaejoong laugh! A LITTLE LA WTF.
So nice the cake! Taste was okay. Got honeydew teehee =)
Got dragon somemore wtf!
Got car so yeng wtf.
Haow Bin you better put in some effort you twin has got a gf already wtf.

I was seated at another table T__T'
from left: mom, bro, aunt, uncle's bro, dunno who, uncle's mom.
yeesang ftw ew.
i've never in my life loved yeesang. it's so commercialised that i would say it's stupid to actually follow the custom of mixing yee sang because apparently it's ONLY available over here. not in anywhere else like hk or china wtf.
the yee sang company make money la! =( it's not even nice in the first place wtf.
Random shot.

ok tht sums up my cny! =)Labels: chinese new year, cousins, dinner, family, food
Your Lover's Lover
9:07 PM
Purple Line!
okay i like that song but then while listening to it i was like 'omg did they just sing about their balls' WTF because from what i heard it was hero singing 'SETTLE MY BALLS' or 'SET OF MY BALLS' with changmin (i guess?) echoing 'MY BALLLLSSS....' behind!
and then i quickly reached for my cell and smsed chea but he offed his phone at the time and i asked him about this later on in msn and his reply was...
'is it the SETUP MY WORLD part?'
omg okay this is a totally random post but i still wanna post it up cough cough to get ppl like britney's attention HAHAHAHAH SETTLE MY BALLS WEI DBSK PLEASE BRUSH UP ON YOUR PRONOUNCIATION LOLOLOL! =___='
Labels: balls, dbsk, songs
Your Lover's Lover
12:54 AM
between humanity and emotions.
yes, i know sometimes i can indeed be carried away a little too far by nothing but my emotions. sometimes, it's really hard juggling between to be insistent that everything should be done according to black and white or to just do what i think is right.
just yesterday after my council meeting i met siow at the guardhouse. chatted up a little and found out that he is expelled- this time for real. this time around, it's because he was caught possesing ciggies.
i know it's wrong smoking. i know it's wrong posessing it in the first place too. but does that mean that he really doesn't deserve a second chance? does that mean that he is a bad guy- the way our moral textbooks descrive students smoking- just because he has this hobby unfavorable to many?
it may not be ideal to smoke, but it's not WRONG to smoke. everyone is different. it's not ideal, but if he likes it, let it be then. it's his prerogative anyway. i just don't think that it's really ruthless for the school to just expel him like that.
he is just fourteen. come on, give him a chance.
many of my friends have this stereotyped impression of him that he is all baddie and stuff JUST BECAUSE he smokes. how can we even judge a person that fast before even knowing him? he smokes, yes. but other than that, i find him a nice guy. he doesn't at all look like the type who will have a million BSLs under his belt.
he is just daring. and that's also because he HAS what it takes to be defiant. i respect him for his guts, although i don't really agree with the way he goes about things sometimes. there are always difference among human beings, but is everyone perfect to an extend where we need no help, no guidance and perhaps no second chances?
he is just different in a major way compared to us, but that alone doesn't make him a bad guy. i find him hysterically amusing, truth be told. he proves many of my friends' assumption that he is just another typical 'shout here shout there niama this that samseng' kid wrong. i remember consulting a few of my friends asking them is he is worht helping, and ALL of them just pronounced an absolute 'NO, NOT WORTH HELPING!' right in my face. and when i ask 'why?' they replied with the typical 'because he smokes'. =.='
WTF. let's blame it in the lack of judgments or inmaturity, whichever you prefer. i still think that he DESERVES a second chance, however you look at it. hello, he is only 14! he has the whole life ahead of him!
he humbly approached me and we talked about his chances of getting accepted again into the school and i dare hope for the best. i can't promise anything but i shall see how things go by wtf thanksbai. please leave your comments in the comment box telling me if he is worth helping or not and why wtf thanks this one true true true dilemma ok!Labels: Dilemma, doubts, expel, friends, Opinion needed
Your Lover's Lover
8:36 PM
Happy Valentines!
Yeap today's valentines.
another year of singlehood. but then it's not all that bad. why? because for all my life i've seen this day as the day where i should be happy for my attached friends- for good or not. it's just so sweet seeing couples all lovey dovey on this day. not that they usually aren't, it's just especially a prettier sight today. =)
and the whole day i really laughed like mad until stomach cramp wtf. especially during mandarin lesson! discovered tht theres indeed so many special talented people around me. like how surayyn can do the angelina jolie lips, how mugilan can break pencils effortlessly with his forehead (and his really funny flip-eyelids-dramatic-look) and the star of the day has gotta be MIDZI.
his tongue can reach both his nose and his chin, he can suck his nose in and make it flat and also how he can rap ppl's name so fast he pronounced Mugilan Anak Lelaki Gunasegeran in ONE SECOND!
i took numerous picturesss of tht! shall upload it later if possible. so sleepy right now T_T"
isn't it funny how things have come to a full circle. I gain nothing but you lose something. Hah!Labels: festivals, friends, funny, valentines
Your Lover's Lover
3:13 AM
Happy CNY!
yeah it's the first day today and i was down with fever. great, just great.
nevertheless, have a happy cny everyone! =D
i shall blog more about this later on. :]Labels: chinese new year, festivals, greetings
Your Lover's Lover
8:03 AM
Arrogance has to be earned.
"People like talking about people. Makes us feel superior. Makes us feel in control. And sometimes, for some people, knowing some things makes them care."
"Reality is almost always wrong."
"There is not a thin line between love and hate. There is -in fact - a Great Wall of China with armed sentries posted every 20 feet between love and hate."
"Truth begins in lies."
"If you can fake sincerity, you can fake pretty much anything."
now, who doesn't agree with me? isn't it all so ironic yet true at at the same time?
Labels: quotes
Your Lover's Lover
9:44 AM
Happy Birthday Billy!
yes people it's the 5th of February. billy's bday! :]
great. i just realized i don't even know his chinese name. o.o okay the end of this.
omg wtf i am like...doing tags every single day wtf. seriously it's like i wake up everyday being tagged by different people. =/
Part 1: On the outside
Name: PhooiSze
Date of Birth: 27/ */ 1994 [guess yourself wtf.]
Current Status: Free? wtf.
Eye Colour: black black black and black. =]
Hair Colour: blackblackblack...and...oh did i mention black? truly asian la wtf! :D
Righty or Lefty: Lefty.
Zodiac Sign: Virgo.
Part 2: On the Inside
Your Heritage: Chinese
Your Fear: something but nothing.
Your Weakness: procrastinating at every single thing.
Part 3: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: yawns okay wake up go to school study come home die.
Your bedtime: when it comes to sleeping i am pretty urm...durable? anytime will do actually.
Your most missed memory: zomg none.
Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: coke.
Single or Group Dates: single? o.o
Adidas or Nike: nike. i want that bag so cheap 130 only so beautifuuullll T_T'
Lipton Tea or Nestea: errr teh tarik can?
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate.
Cappuccino or Coffee: coke wtf.
Part 5: Do You . . .
Smoke: never i guess.
Curse: a little....;P
Drink: no. not at the time anyway.
Part 6: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol: no.
To the mall: yes.
Been on stage: yes.
Eaten sushi: no.
Dyed your hair: never have i.
Part 7: Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game: no. o.o
Changed who you were to fit in: yes. many many times.
Part 8: Age
You're hoping to be married: god knows when la wtf. 24? i dunno @_@'
Part 9: In A Guy/Girl
Best eye colour: ranibow WTF. -.-'
Hair colour: anythign BUT retarded colors like purple or grey or orange or turquoise!
Short or long hair: i somehow prefer...short haired guys.
Part 10: What Were You Doing?
1 minute ago: having sandwich for breakfast/lunch
1 hour ago: brushing my teeth? i dunno.
1 month ago: wtf?
1 year ago: inside class right now WTF.
Part 11: Finish The Sentences
I feel: like having a spicy chicken McDeluxe right now.
I miss: my McD fries.
Part 12: Tag 5 People
One: Billy the bday boy
Two: Howard
Three: Mekk
Four: Toshi
Five: Kyean
List out 5 presents you wish for:
a) plastic surgery WTF.
b) mcdonalds.
c) my dot com/net
e) errr....those tagged above to do the tag? i dunno. o.o
Labels: birthdays, friends, Tags
Your Lover's Lover
7:41 PM
the neverending tag
literally. you tag 5 person they will all tag you back. @_@"
List out 5 presents you wish for :
1. i swear i am not a very demanding girl
2. and i've asked for everything
3. i can possibly ask for
4. or want, for that matter
5. ok fine maybe i would love to have mcdeluxe right now xD
The person who tagged me :
Haow Bin
5 impression of him :
1. typical hamsap look wtf
2. errr...soft at heart? i dunno wtf
3. weird. a little la
4. nice mole damn fatt choi. =D
5. another.....mapler. sighs. =/
If he/she is your lover, you will..
please, no. if not EVERYDAY i will hear people calling me short and violent zomggg wtf. this is the most torturous mental abuse anyone could possibly endure wtf.
If he/she would becomes your enemy,what could the reason be?
him calling me short AND violent one too many times T___T'
Pass this quiz to 5 person you wish to know about how they feel about you.
1. Anyone
2. who
3. wants
4. to
5. =D
Labels: friends, Random, Tags
Your Lover's Lover
6:42 PM
keith urban, anyone?
yawns once again i am here blogging at 2 in the morning. *_*
sighs i am so into keith urban right now. first it was kpop and then i gradually moved on to leehom before going gaa-gaa over maroon 5.
and now it's keith urban ftw. hmm and chris daughtry's 'over you' has been playing on my winamp playlist for a few days alrady.

i want ice cream noww T_T"
anyone wanna teman me ice cream date or not wtf! eh but this cornetto blueberry/raspberry/ i can't remember was pretty good. to me la.

or this fried ice thing i tried.
i saw how they make it! they put water into this pan and it miraculously turns solid and forms ice! o.o
hmm overall it was okay. don't really like almonds in my ice cream though. but i still find it so muchhhhh better than lecka lecka. lecka lecka sucks T___T"

attended the forensics workshop in iskl last sat/ two sats ago. can't really remember. and the guy there beside the blue shirt girl gave guided in our impromptu session. he's really good.
and the girl beside him is his gf i guess. and she's pregnant [??]. :o
headed to sungei wang after that. was pretty much a last minute plan and nick and i ended up dragging brit along. :D

yaya i am so fat i am only posting this because i think my eyes look damn oriental here wtf.
or maybe not. T_T" i need to got for another eyebrow shaping session already sometime soon yawns.

lalala i trieddd changing my eye color and this was the best i could do without tutorials. -.-' hmm...if you see properly it's actually dark green but it's not really noticeable anyway so yeah la. my eyes are so black i can't see the pupil in the middle -.-'
yeah so we reached and i got this dress, bracelets and earrings! goood goood deal :]
i am still on a lookout for white heels and i saw one black one yesterday which i really like at vincci and it's so cheap its only 55! but mom said the heels look funny wor so aiya i gave it a pass then. =/
and i need to get a curling thong soon. and a holder to hold my accesories wtf i keep buying but i don't even wear them wtf. but i get happy just seeing the collection wtf why am i like that T__T"

sighs eat chicken ALSO SO YENG LOOK ONE -____________-'

nyam nyam you still owe me 10 bucks nick nyam nyam.

:P ??
ya in his entire life he has never tried nandos before so yeah, nandos it was for him. and he claimed i once called him a chicken peri-peri but i can't recall calling him tht wtf. aiya i can't remember alot of things i said anyway one la.
sighs okay bye off to sleep now T_T" sooo sleep deprived these days wtf.
Labels: food, forensics, friends, Outings, Pictures
Your Lover's Lover
9:35 AM
let me say this lor you like it or not.
if you effing dislike me for whatever reason it is, say it right in my face. don't drag my friends into it. yaya i SO WHAT if i am a suck up? at least thats something i AM GOOD IN, if making friends is what you are talking about. just because you are a social reject it doesn't mean people like me are suck ups for having more friends than your 10 retarded fingers could count.
at least i have friends who are always there when i need them- which i am appreciative of.
opps..and who is there for me to suck up to, may i ask? natalie and gang? hello, like they can even vote this year ah wtfbbq wtf were you la diu they graduated wtf. but if you insist, i would tell you this
i am not even close to them full stop. get it? suck ups? oh what on earth did i get in return? a sweet perhaps wtf?
sighs no more on this topic. I FUCKIN HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE START DRAGGING MY FRIENDS INTO STUFF WHEN THEIR PROBLEM LIES IN ME, NOT MY FRIENDS. got something to say? say it in my face, coward. i am short anyway! aiya short people so noob hor not like they can do anything!
Tagged by ch! =D
List out 5 presents you wish for :
1. hot oil wtf.
2. a piano?
4. once again, a dot com/net.
5. Ah?
The person who tagged me :
5 impression of him :
2. super genius wei wtf
3. hamsap wtf or so says his bestie, hb.
4. formal @__@"
5. damn kuai chai wtf help mom do chores wan.
If he/she is your lover, you will..
everyday have to look up wtf neck break wei -_-'
If he/she would becomes your enemy,what could the reason be?
i also dunno wtf maybe errm...him playing dota so much ah i also don't know aiya practically no reasons wan la.
Pass this quiz to 5 person you wish to know about how they feel about you.
1. HB
2. Ariel
3. Brit
4. Suki
5. KyeanLabels: confessions, Opinions, sore losers, Tags
Your Lover's Lover
6:03 AM
hello world.
it's 2 in the morning right now and i just feel like posting these up.

a picture i took at a restaurant by the sea not very long ago.
and thats looks alot like sunset, doesnt it? well, the original one is a little different. i like both. :]

the original copy.

feel like posting this up too. during a science experiment. :]

so sweet! wtf.

heidi's reaction after tasting the vinegar drop? i can't remember.
i think there's something wrong with heidi and my tastebuds because we can't seem to find the bitter drop excruciatingly BITTER the way the boys did. @@ in fact i didnt taste much of a thing wtf.
but heidi has got tongue piercing like 2 days ago so maybe that's a valid reason but what about me?! sighs i am dieing....-.-'

i can't remember if i posted this but i just like the colors here! :D

hmm remember how i rant about my writing in my previous post? here. this is my writing...
2 weeks ago, that is. now it's already diff. -.-' i remember how it was wide and fat before i changed it to thin and narrow. and then it became short and tiny and now it's like round and sharp WTF IS WRONG WITH ME. -.-'
i just don't know why i am not like my girl friends! all of them have neat perfect writing! [okay fine maybe except one or two of them sighs]

i'll give you 101 guesses and i bet you wouldn't even have thought that this feminine pencil case belongs to HEIDI LOI EEMIN! o.o

did i talk about these popping choco ping ping and the bro gave me on like the secodn day of school? seriously i swear they are like the best siblings on earth lor! how i wish my bro is like wei zhong lor T_____T" you seela they all damn close one wtf *jealous jealous jealous wtf*

seriously i cant remember if i posted this before either. -.-'
hmm i am quite uncomfortable with certain people reading my blog. i mean, yes, they are my friends. but still sometimes i find them being so hypocritical AND bias towards me JUST BECAUSE i am their friend. by reading my blog they THINK they have a fairly clear idea of who i am and how my individuality in reality is. i am not denying that i might be wrong at times- you don't have to either. when the causes are clear that i AM right, yes, by all means stand by me.
i'm just not comfortable when people whom i think have the least idea about what's going on commenting so effing much. i won't say i DISLIKE it, just uncomfortable. it's disturbing knowing there's someone out there whom you barely even know acting like they know you so much. it's just like..out of nowhere they are suddenly in the picture. maybe it's just me. maybe i am weird i don't know.
p/s: to friends, no you are not the ones i am referring to. =D in fact, thank you for the comments! please leave more!
Labels: comments, dislikings, friends, hello world, Pictures, short update
Your Lover's Lover
9:43 AM