ah tag by my worshipper wtf
List out 5 presents you wish for :
1. gold and white nail polish :o
2. new year clothes
3. money money teehee
5. my very own dot com/net.
The person who tagged me :
Mekk my one and only faith follower -_-'
5 impression of her :
1. Funny -.-'
2. Helpful! [ahem, he helped me draw my science hw ok fyi! where to find people so stupid kind nowadays!]
3. Damn pandai rub shoe! HAHAHHAHA like omg really wan all white lies! xD
4. Sup Kambing? o.o
5. Tofu lor pfft his skin like girl like tht damn chea choong wan this guy -__-'
If she is your lover, you will..
shit, everyday drink sup kambing yer i tak rela HAHAHAHAHHAHA!
honestly la i hate kambing meat alot T_T"
If she would becomes your enemy,what could the reason be?
he ditching our religion for Howardism or Mekkism or whtever! PZISM FOR LIFE OK!
Pass this quiz to 5 person you wish to know about how they feel about you.
1. yawns anyone la teehee =D
Labels: friends, PZism, Tags
Your Lover's Lover
1:26 AM
Captain Underpants!

yeay the library is stocking up these!
hmm...speaking of which, when was the last time i borrowed something there? a year ago, perhaps? i've really gotta find some time to do some good reading. T_T' my vermillion gate is not even near to completion. in fact, i've yet to even reach like what...1/4 of the book?

opps nyek nyek that was how i look like when i was 10 T___T"
one eye is retarded. -.-' sighs and yes, where is my smart card again? for these two days whenever i am gone from the class, which is actually most of the time wtf, i'll always come back to find my place in a mess. i wont point fingers at anyone. it's just that i really dislike how some of you could even open my bag and take stuff from my pencil case. i mean, please bear in mind that there are stuff inside it belonging to others and when it's lost, it's MY problem wtf.
so next time people please ask first okay i think now i super infamous as the 'stationery thief' girl lor T__T"
okayla bye bye. short update only. Labels: Books, lost stuff, Me Myself and I, short update
Your Lover's Lover
6:22 AM
i've got it.
yes people, i've got the pr post.
but like it or not, i am gonna say this one thing. if you can't afford losing, weather or not to a form 2 girl or anyone for that matter, don't run for a post then. we were all given an equal chance, you and i included. if there should be anyone at a disadvantage, it's me, hello? since everyone LOVES having the stereotypical mentality that at 14, i stand practically no chance?
well, looks like i proved you wrong then. i, choong phooi sze, is a living prove that age is NOT a barrier in whatever you do. hard work DOES matter at the end of the day. think an election is everything about popularity? i am awed by your petty mind, that's all i can say.
hello darling, it's 2008, not 1908. you think everything also talk about give face meh. may the best man win, that's what i said all along. i am not your mom- losing to you is not a favor i owe you. you do your best at campaigning, i do my best at mine. fair? yes, very much indeed.
if you can't afford losing, don't even expect winning in the first place. game of life? that's THE rule, darling.
p/s: what makes you think that even without me, you can win? i've got 150% more vote than the candidate who came second, mind you. =) how many votes i've got? i'll leave you the benefit of the doubt. you do your own estimation, i am not gonna disclose it publicly except if a situation arises that calls for it.Labels: elections, kiasu, retard, Student Council
Your Lover's Lover
2:52 AM
Nyam Nyam
omg why la my tittles always so retarded one! -.-'
okay okay so point of this post is that i've added a comment box! for each post, the comment box is below the date, on the top right side of the post teehee so easy to remember right?! leave more comments la! =DDD
and and tomorrow the results of the SC election will be announced wish me luck and pray for me! nyek nyek win or not it doesn't matter but then again i am power-obsessed wtf can bercorruption everyday so, PRAY FOR ME STILL!
yala yala bye bye mom wanna take over the throne wtf T_T"Labels: Blog Skins, comments, Student Council
Your Lover's Lover
6:15 AM
tag tag tag again.
List out 5 presents you wish for :
1. A dog!
2. Height -.-'
3. A purse?
4. More gel pens!
5. McDonald's right now HAHAHAHAHHA why la i so like that one! T__T"
The person who tagged me :
5 impression of him :
1. Cute
2. Short TEEHEE!
3. Approachable
4. Has a bad habit of stammering! Stop that! xD
5. Super great popper.
If she is your lover, you will..
wtf does this question mean? if he's my lover then he's my lover la i WILL what?! -___-' commit suicide ah wtf?
and it's highly impossible too because we are twins wtf.
If he would becomes your enemy,what could the reason be?
when he annoys me? vice versa i also dunno la xD
Pass this quiz to 5 person you wish to know about how they feel about you.
1. Mekk
2. Colin
3. Chia
4. Howard wtf although i know your blog is practically dead -.-'
5. Anyone who wanna say something bad about me teehee here's your chance!
hmm i have a new year resolution already! although it's almost the end of january already, i reckon it's better late than never hor! okay yes, my resolution is to minimize my usage of wtf thank you wtf.
Labels: friends, Opinions, Surveys, Tags
Your Lover's Lover
10:12 PM
ok it's 12.48 right now and although it's still far from my usual saturday bed time i am really tired by now already wtf. before election sleep deprived after also sleep deprived pfft i might as well make collecting eyebags my hobby hor why am i so cool wtf.
okay i really want to say this! but i dunno how to!
okay let me make it short and simple. yes, i dislike smokers. BUT i do not hate them. if you are my friend and i like you, just because you choose to puff your youth away wtf, it's NEVER gonna change my opinion of you. why?
and i don't see how we should have this totally different perception of a person just because he smokes. i mean, so what? yes, that might be far from the ideal life many of use would want to live. but it's just bloody unfair that a smoker, an underage smoker most of the time actually, get raised eyebrows from certain parties often deemed friends. i won't say that as friends we must be supportive even if it's obvious that his doings are wrong, but wtf are we to set our moral standards so high to an extend where you can't help but to discriminate others not better off?
yawns maybe i'll talk about this some other day. i just don't like how certain bitches act like it's such a big deal to have a friend smoking and then proceed to just ditch the friendship JUST LIKE THAT WTF. in fact, if you insist, i'll tell you i prefer these friends with 'socially immoral doings' more than bitches who act like they are all that wtf.
Your Lover's Lover
8:46 AM
tag tag tag
yaya li shan tagged me like 66 year's ago and now only i am doing it! sorry darling! xD
okayla better later than never hor!
1.What was your dream when you were a small kid?
from what i can remember, i wasn't much of a materialistic person back when i was younger so i really don't know? i was very much sheltered to the extend where i had practically no contact with the outside world so yes, i shall pass for this one.
2. What is the happiest thing in your whole life?
i am happy almost everyday so i can't decide when am i happiest. when i am with friends, maybe?
3.What do you wish to have right now?
money money money wtf.
4. When was the last time your Horse laugh?
few hours ago.
5. What did you realize recently?
hmm i realize how life is fragile. and everything along with it. be it friendships, relationships, material possessions or anything for that matter. we can never stop time, but we can make the best out of it, no?
6. Which bad habit of you that is most unacceptable?
sometimes i become so self-centered that i don't give a damn about how others around me feels whenever i have drastic mood wings?
7. When you are unhappy, what will you do?
i usually talk less and spend some quiet time thinking- by myself.
8. What are you afraid of losing?
my mind.
9. Within 5 years, which target is the most realistic one?
teehee i shall pass for this one also! it's a secret! ;P
10. When you met someone you like, will you confess or hide your feelings?
both wtf. aiya see how things go la. maybe i'll hint? i am allergic to commitments, by the way. i won't hide my feelings, but i probably won't confess.
11. List out 3 kind of people you hate the most.
orang yang over ego wtf.
people who hate me la wtf traffic must flow both ways, right?! =D
12. Define Loneliness.
when i feel like an outcast among my friends. it DOES happen sometimes, let me assure you.
or maybe when i can't hear my own voice for more than 2 minutes, i am lonely WTF.
13. Are you satisfied with your life now?
i am contented, not satisfied. in my books, there IS a fine line between the both.
14. When is the most recent time you felt touched?
yesterday? i really felt touched when a classmate whose existence I've only heard of this year replied with a sweet 'yes...of course' when i asked if he voted for me. it's always these little sweet gestures that never fail to make my day.
15. Where is the most beautiful place that you've visited?
truthfully speaking, i wish i knew. i've always find company of more importance than the location. weird? i don't know la wtf.
16. A song that is playing in your mind recently?
lovesick by ft island.
17. If you have a wish come true, what is it?
yet another secret wtf.
18. Do you have anything to be worried or scared recently?
currently, no. i've known all i want and need to. eyes and ears are all around, mind you, bitches.
19. If the world is going to end, what will you do?
i will go on a food adventure WTF AHHAHAHAHAHA. and try doing as many things i could for instance robbing the bank and doing drugs WTF. -.-'
20. How many people is in your mind now?
7 because i am chatting with 7 people at the time.
To whom i am going to tag!
yawns this aunty here late by 66 years la wtf everyone did already nobody to tag! :(
Labels: Life, surverys, Tags
Your Lover's Lover
5:34 AM
Miii soOox pReTtyyY oRhHxxX!
yes, the above stated title is contrary to my previous post wtf. wait wait i am not beign self-obsessed so don't leave just yet! =D
don't ask me about the election. yes, it was this morning. glad that it's over and results will be out by monday so yeah, we shall see. =)
okay the point of today's post is about how pretty girls AREN'T always pretty wtf. there's no ugly girls just lazy ones wtf. really! yes yes i know dolling yourself up is time and effort and energy among whatnots but then again can you not agree that grooming oneself makes one look his or her best all the time? you best may not be THE best but it's still good knowing that you are at YOUR best wtf. die also no regret la -_-'
okay so today's post is, in today's world you must be good at makeup.
OR photoshop at least when all else fails.;P

but still guess what, it's fakeness that gets 48240 lalas adding you in friendster, not your bareface WTF. ever wondered why your lala friend has got 999 friends in her list while you only have 99?
because she has 99 photos in her gallery when you only have 9. and of all that 99, 98 are either
a) with her face heavily caked
b) she's good in photoshop and she tries super hard to make her mata sepet big. -.-'
and the other one photo? oh, that must be a photo of her cute cat, no doubt.
face it, it's a cute world now. or at least, an 'act-cute' world wtf because lemme ask you this...how many alive are GENUINELY cute? you can possibly count them all with your ten fingers wtf . don't ask me what i see in cute girls because honestly speaking, i wish i knew.
everyone WANTS to look cute now! zomg don't believe? let me show you to what length photoshop can help wtf.

yeah right. -.-' flawless eh?

don't ask me why do i have no shame in putting up both the edited version and the unedited just to prove that i am ugly wtf because to that question i have no answer T_T" i just wanna exhibit to the world my generosity wah wtf do i sound philosophical enough to be called a philosopher or a philanthropist at the very least ?!! =DDD
sighs why la i so tak tahu malu wan. T____T i deserve a Nobel award. :D
after reading this you don't know how a real cutie is supposed to look like? FRET NOT! i have a perfect example here!

nah! genuine cuteness! a real naturale! =D
look at his expression! so real! exactly like what you see in harajuku magazines! what you see is what you get! =D
yes yes, cute people does exist. you've just gotta judge properly for yourself or else you'll be disappointed when the time comes to meet your 'friendster lao po' pfft. -.-'
ok the end of today's short (or long wtf) post! bye bye people! =D
Labels: editing, friends, photo manipulation, photoshop, Pictures
Your Lover's Lover
5:11 AM
ya allah i am so ugly!
yaya i know it's so late already yawnzzz voting is tomorrow. and btw, if you INSIST, my full name is choong phooi sze. there. the whole world now knows my full name T__T"
Your Lover's Lover
5:30 AM
hmmm yumz.
forensics workshop this saturday and i am still undecided weather to go or not. if i am going for that Quicksilver Revolution or Times Square for that case, will attend then. if not, i don't even think i'll want to wake up that early just for briefings TT

my campaign manager, surayyn!
really, to those who did so much just for me to win, thankkkk youu so much! i can't promise victory but hey, we've all done our best. the rest, we shall just leave it to the wants of sg ians. =)
AND A BIG FAT THANK YOU TO HOW WEI ZHONG AND HIS SIS, HOW WEI PING, for getting me a packet of sugus out of consideration! LALALAL OMG THANKS!
they are such nice ppl! and they are single! who want their msn?! okok i give but first you have to pay me rm5! =DD
so cheap ok considering how nice these ppl are! you pay me rm5 for their add next time when you marry them you inherit 5 billion leh! HAH! YOU WANT TO SAVE RM5 OR GAIN 5 BILLION?! YOUR CHOICE!
i should rant more about things i want in my blog teehee HAHAHA just joking la. omg why am i so stupid today. -.-
i want a vaio! ;PLabels: elections, friends, people, Student Council, thank you
Your Lover's Lover
4:48 AM
wtf it's 2 in the morning now and i've just put up my new skin. it was pretty spontaneous actually because i just felt all of a sudden that i don't really like my hello kitty skin as much. and its not exactly done yet. i'll continue it tomorrow or something!
yes yes plain i know -_-' just having the simplistic mood right now. i initially wanted to put 'never judge me, bitch' but i thought tht would be a little vulgar, wouldn't it? don't ask why the theme because truth is, i don't know. lemme ensure everyone reading that i am not emo or anything of that sort because i just happened to find this pretty picture i like and yeapo, banner, it is! =)
okay bai bai i shall update tomorrow or something @_@"Labels: Blog Skins, hello world
Your Lover's Lover
10:11 AM
you think sugus no need money ah har! when i offer you, YOU EFFING TAKE ONE AND ONE ONLY OKAY! fine, even if you take two it's forgivable but seriously, i don't think i am still gonna act super nice to ppl already even when they take TWO FREAKING PALMFULS OF IT because you know what? it's pretty finished by now wtf.
like today i was offering this form 1 friend of mine cuz she is really a great help and then guess what? her friend rushed over, saw the sugus and without even aknowledging my presence went like 'oh take all' and open her big foot sized palms to get as mcuh as she could. WTF IF YOU GUYS HAVE A DAMN PROBLEM WITH ME SAYING WTF JUST BECAUSE ITS 'UNFEMININE', WTF IS THIS HAR?! YOU TELL ME! YOU FREAKING EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT IS THIS! VERY LADY-LIKE HOR ! Labels: elections, Student Council, tulaness
Your Lover's Lover
4:16 AM
my last shot.

having IT class now.
someone asked me 'do you really want to win this THAT badly' perhaps in attempt to make me seem desperate for it. what can i say? i won't say 'no i don't want it' because that's not completely true. i won't say 'i want it badly' because that isn't right either.
i want it just as much as the others running, full stop.
Labels: campaigning, computer, elections, Posters, Student Council, teachers
Your Lover's Lover
2:41 AM
Body art? i see no harm in it.
seriously i think since i've been mixing with heidi it not only once, twice, thrice BUT MANY times already that it have crossed my mind.
i think i am crazy. i want piercings wtf.
like really! i know it's so sudden and stupid wtf but i've suddenly see it as something very expressive. and i am not even going through the 'act-matures-oh-so-lala' phase of life, thank you. -_-'
and today that sei heidi came to school- WITH HER DAMN TONGUE PIERCED. and her mom knows nothing about it! i really want to pierce also lor but i doubt i'll be as good as in in hiding her tongue WTF. mom wouldn't permit of such a thing, and i would prefer not to misplace her trust for as long as i can. i won't say i would NEVER get more piercings just because it's against her will because i know there would be a day when i grow up. and i it won't be long before soon when i'll be able to make my own decisions.
but until i am sure enough that it's something i won't regret, i think i'll just suppress my wants. i don't see anything wrong with piercings though. it need not necessarily be something bad. it's body art, in short. and it's really up to someone how they want to view it. =)
sighs wtf i've been wanting to do alot lately. but the undecided me choose not to do anything until my mind is clear off all unwanted interruptions wtf. i really wanna resume my piano. but it'll be hard work and i want to be SURE that short attention span people like me would be able to preserver to the end, which i highly doubt WTF. T_T'Labels: body art, Dilemma, doubts, piano, piercings
Your Lover's Lover
2:19 AM
wtf is wrong with me?
i don't know. i wish i knew. i've just been so emotional these few days.
and you guys know best what that means. when i am emotional, i cut my hair.
gawd, please guide me through this. not again. not so soon. i can almost imagine myself having beautiful long hair. but how on earth will that materialize if i don't stop my tendency of cutting my hair? exactly, wtf is wrong with me?
every time i feel out of place, i cut my hair. it's not that i believe that it will ward off bad luck anyways. it's just so me that i love cutting my hair. no matter how many times already i've told myself i've gotta start somewhere if i want long beautiful hair. sighs. i think i am crazy. maybe i'll shave my head bald one day like britney.

i've been stuffing down alot too lately.
sometimes it really scares the daylight out of me reflecting at my own diet. i mean, given my petite size, who would have guess i eat more than my dad? i seem to find happiness in eating. and i am not even a food expert wtf. i just love the feeling of knowing i can eat that much. and seriously, if this goes on, i can see myself growing sideways already.
i mean, 2 bowls of large rice for a girl my height?
it's depressing, not funny, my dear. what more when people like me has no self control huh? guilt only starts gushing in once the meal is over, and there's pretty much nothing i could do for i've already down the fats. looking at my increasing waistline is even more depressing. and going on a diet isn't exactly my forte wtf. aiya alibaba you all won't understand anyways.
eating has become my way of escaping from the world sometimes. similar to cutting my hair, i eat more whenever i am sad or angry. like seriously, wtf is wrong with me? any doctors to be out there able to explain this symptom of craziness?

i just want to be happy =(
too many things have been running through my mind. i worry too much about the present and the future. sometimes i just can't help wonder would people die of thinking too much?
i think about what future holds for me. i think about what i want and what i need. i think about my goals in life. i think about what do i want to take up in college when it's still like half a decade away.
so much for a 14 year old eh?
another habit of mine is to carry unnecessary burdens on my shoulder. things totally uncalled for actually. i just feel happy being able to help others although more often than not it leaves me angry at myself. angry that i could have done a better job helping myself instead of others. angry that i have to feel so effing insecure all the time.

i've been getting angry so much nowadays that it scares people around me. i am sorry for that lor. it's not something i want. i've never liked the idea of being authoritative. but now i really don't know why things get on my nerve THAT easily. and i thought i've always been strong.
a strong guise, it is?
truth is, i don't know. people say ignorance is a bliss and yes, how true that is. i really want to shout at CERTAIN people around me how much i dislike their temper too, the way they dislike mine. i can't help but feel annoyed sometimes. the same people saying the same things over and over again. i CAN take jokes, but not all the time. i have feelings too. i live, sleep, eat, breathe hatred the way you do too. if you think i won't ever talk back just because i laugh along, you obviously still isn't aware of what's in for you.
i hope you are reading this. happy girls get angry too.

call me selfish but i think i am deserving of the treatment others get.
sorry for all these emo crap. i am just not feeling too well right now and the only way i could express myself is through words. still, i think i could have done better but this is a journal recording the bits and pieces of my life, not some essay-writing competition.
to those who had been there for me, a big thank you from the bottom of my heart. what more could i say?
sometimes, maybe it's true that chemistry does exist. with the right person around, you just feel right. words need not be expressed verbally and one could still feel it.
if any of you really read it up till here, which i really doubt any would, thank you for your time. much much appreciated. =) Labels: confessions, Dear Diary, Emo, Me Myself and I
Your Lover's Lover
8:27 AM
never fear, never fear, i now know where you've been
as everything starts falling into place, i couldn't help but think, is it me being easily impressed or is it really him. my saying is once again proven true. when you run away from a problem, you are only avoiding it- not solving. to be courageous enough to face it need not necessarily be an unpleasant ordeal to go through.
because i am sitting here smiling.
i won't jump into conclusions yet. i am still unsure of myself. maybe it's just an impression and nothing beyond that. when the time comes, we shall see. pls don't question.
Your Lover's Lover
2:20 AM
now you like or i like? wtf. i won't call it an misunderstanding because truth is, it ISN'T. i am not gonna be a hypocritical bitch here la alrite. all i can say here is i AM an arrogant stranger- so, sue. but still, most of the time i'll suppress that unfriendly nature of mine and STILL smile to strangers AND people i dislike. i laugh to everything and try my best to be friendly to an extend where i really believe that i AM friendly.
opps, got deceived by myself i guess.
the efforts were futile- or so it seems. at first when i heard about how a girl thinks i am a suck-up to ex seniors like Girl A and when i told Girl A that someone thinks i am sucking up to her Girl A's reaction was like
'haiyor cannot make friends wan ar? she must liked me alot pfft. you knowla i so pretty and alot of fans. you very layan me what pfft. everything i say something u always say "oh okay." - AND TURN AROUND >;('
to that girl, you must be pretty jealous that i got to be 'a suck up to a mega superstar.' try harder next life, darling.
okayla ditch the damn bombastic line not like anyone understood anyway. you should vote for me because i ROCK. -__-'
sorry i really want to be modest but time is running out so all i can do is to sell my name as fast as possible, no? and i heard some form 3 girls really dislike me for being lansi wtf. since you've already got this prejudged opinion of me in your mind, let me tell you this. if you think you are the only one disliking me, let me grant you the satisfaction of knowing the truth- i don't like you that much either. your dislike towards me is reciprocated, thankyouverymuch.
wow, we have so much in common we can even be best friends WTF.
yaya i am lansi wtf just because i don't give a f*ck about your existence i am lansi yaya if i am lansi then so be it then because the number of people WILLING to wear my 'vote for PZ' arm band is self-explanatory, and it further proves my point that you are not that much of a significant soul to make a difference to other peoples' lives, LET ALONE MINE.
yes people, i am super lansi wtf. you don't wanna vote for me than disappear la wtf wanna make poeple miserable is it i put up poster you take it down wtfiswrongwithyouharyouuglybitches WTF.
my face can talk, your chest can't. till you get some plastic done, stfu and stop sabotaging my campaigning thanks okay bye. =)
ok i should stop my nonsense. i am losing my mind to the 'kiasu ah por' disease WTF. =D
to my fellow friends who gave your everything trying to make my campaigning an unforgettable one, i thank you will all my heart. i swear i've lost count of how many 'thank you sooo much' i've muttered over these two days. now that i can witness with my own pair of eyes who are real friends who are there to help in times of need and who are just parasites, it's just another gentle reminded from the guy above that i shouldn't take the people in my life for granted- ever. i
f i win, which is pretty unlikely, i'll buy everyone dinner wtf. it really touched me how the guys in my class are willing to parade around with silly bands all over their body for my sake T_T' thanks a million guys!
seriously, at this point of the game, it doesn't matter if i win or not. it was never much about winning actually. it's more about trying my best and gage how far am i from something i want to achieve.
yaya i know i am so stupid right wtf undeniably my chances of securing a place in the council would be much higher should i have opted for ks3 rep instead but NO, i've made up my mind that it's not something i truly want. it's not something i'll feel happy winning. nuff said. =)
to those who have been supportive, it's just a little bit more till the end. please preservere!
p/s: wanna leave a hate comment? go ahead but pls think twice before saying something wtf because i wanna reply to witty comments only yawnzzz.
Labels: campaigning, elections, iamsoperasanirock, Student Council
Your Lover's Lover
12:56 AM
SMS kawan wtf.
i don't exactly remember how it started but coming to think of it now, i am always having only one sms kaki at a time. i've never a phone person. not that i consider myself one anyway. i've always preferred MSN to smsing maybe because i can talk to multiple ppl at a time and it's always more convenient. yes, faster too. i hve low tolerance level for slow stuff wtf.
and yes, back to the topic today. one of the many reasons i get very annoyed when people read my inbox is how they will comment unecessaryly about 'my relations with that guy' wtf ahem when that person is just another random friend. i've always believed in talking ALOT only with people i am comfortable with, somehow. and that's how my inbox grow from 1 msg to 2569 messages wtf.

maybe it's my problem, but i never fail to mix better with boys wherever i go. no, it's not about flirting even. it's just the kind of mentality boys have that makes them simpler creatures to approach and understand.
they tolerate my nonsense, understand my frustrations and is always supportive YET honest. it's a quality lacking in girls around me, to be frank. a true friend would tell you when you are at your best and when you are just being a total psychotic bitch. when they hint how you are wrong, one thing good is that it won't make me feel inferior. maybe it's because i see them as guys and how their opinions don't matter to me, being given that they are just plainly guys in my life of no significance.
and by significance, i mean it as in relationship-wise. as friends, i rather be caught dead than to be taking the friendships for granted. and this doesn't apply for guys only, i mean for everyone around me. if you know my full name, consider yourself a friend of mine. :)

throughout the years, i've discovered my weakest points and strive hard trying to make it my strongest. among which was how i realize that however playful we are, emotions are something we shouldn't toy with. manipulating is easy but not everyone has what it takes to patch the differences later on. if prevention could be helped, why take things for granted?
making friends may not be a thing i am good at. i love speaking up for my own rights. i love watching arguments erupt into dramatic full-blast bitch fights.

but have i mentioned i dislike witnessing misunderstandings? i hate people who takes others for a ride, empty promises and above all, i hate being taken for granted. and the list goes on.
in short, i love bitching but i hate rumors. there.
bitching with the right facts was never a crime. but the existence of rumors are just to defame, defame and nothing but defame teehee. sounds familiar, no?

it's time to open our eyes and judge for real- who are friends and who are foes. Labels: confessions, friends, Opinions
Your Lover's Lover
6:17 AM
this is it.
i am running for the public relations officer (pr) post of the student council. i really really did give it much thoughts. i mean, heck, a form 2 against 4 other form 5's. it's gonna big big competition but WHO says just because i am younger i am the least capable? we shall see on that, we shall see. =)
but apparently the post is so effing popular i swear it takes more than just a few poster to win T_T" i don't even think i can WIN in the first place but then again, why not? just give it a shot la.
ok nites bye i hve yet to make my poster yawnnnzzz.Labels: Student Council
Your Lover's Lover
5:52 AM
Teacher? SO WHAT.
don't answer that if you are to tell me how we should respect them because i am gonna prove you wrong in a matter of minutes thankyouverymuch.
guess what, a teacher of mine has a blog. although he blogs under a pseudonym, just one look and i know it's him. how can i be wrong, right? the tattoo, talking about our school, the side view, the gayness. it's just too gay to be true. like what century is this? wouldnt it take like a century more for teachers to start a blog? (especially after how one of our teachers got fired for flaming the school in her blog heh padan muka) and the way he talks about titie bars just...amazed me. for a teacher to say such things with such words is just out of the world. you really need to read his posts to get it but sorry, however much i am shocked AND disappointed, i'll not expose his blog address to the rest of the world so yes, happy finding.
like heck, he uses more 'fuck's than an average 15 year old, so you get the point. there. coming straight out from the mouth of a gay teacher. remember how we used to and still are calling teachers we dislike which so happens to be cissy gay? the word itself is overrated- but who cares- it's the thought hatred that matters. but no, this time around, it's real gay shit.
no joke. it's proven that he's gay, but that's besides the point. it's just that i could never see him the way i did. i can never bring myself to respect him as a teacher. as a human yes, but definitely not as a an educator. i can't imagine how the year 1 kids are put under him. what kinda impression and influence he gives? exemplary role model? not really, i guess. yes, at first i find his posts funny- witty, even- but as i browse through his archives, the humor gets lamer and lamer by the second that it isn't even something left to be laughed at anymore. talking about how he is a diva and how he's the best drag queen in the world wtf. shut up already, you are like approaching your 30s, not freaking 16. and is it just me being kuno-minded or is it the trend nowadays to be addressing one selves the opposite sex?
i can't see myself going 'yo, i am a good boy, nice dude, definitely not a bastard'. (ok fine maybe i am trying too hard to fit in so many things in a sentence) like seriously, i don't see how a guy- an adult, mind you- don't feel shameful talking like such a bimbo when you are holding such a respectable post? you may say your blog is not known amongst us ssg-ians but as for today, I am a living proof that you are wrong. i maybe the the only person reading it, for all i care, but the thing is should your superiors read it, what kinda impression are you emitting? i mean like hello, if you find sentences with a million typical gay-ass 'tau', 'like', 'okehhh' kinda thing and he keeps calling himself THE diva like pfft wtf you don't deserve a living, fag. example of sentences?
'I like, dunno like where to find that top i like tauuu! super cantik tauuuuu! yeah i am such a divaaaaa okehhhh!'
shit. i sound so much like him, HOROR KAN? (something he uses very frequently wtf) i actually fit all three of them in. bravo. Okehhh, it's like, now you tauuu tak i am like, the biggest diva in the world okehh?
goosebumps down my spine thankyouverymuch.Labels: Bitchings
Your Lover's Lover
3:52 AM
never take your keyboard for granted.
like really. whcih explains why i didnt blog about my new year pfft. i was typing on this rubber mat. i bought it because i thought it was cool and THANK GOD the pretty hello kitty one was so expensive i couldn't afford because if i ended up buying it i am sure i will feel regretful abandoning it. -__-'
i shall blog more later. school's like reopening tomorrow wtf this holiday REALLY seemED so short pfft. it was just like yesterday when i was eating j.co in our form 1G year end party wtf and now it's the second day of 2008 already. so much have ALREADY happened so far up to this minute. colin and ch on bad terms, our health minister caught in adultery, howard running for the sc post i want and having to face fresh new faces tomorrow wtf.
i am now praying that i'll be able to score myself a place with ample space surrounding it WTF because i wanna put nice nice tissue box and maybe decorate the whole place with teddy bear like it's my house wtf and i also wanna spray my table baby pink thanks.
but that would be vandalism wtf so maybe i'll just resort to wrapping my table with pink wrappign paper and when teacher scolds me i can tear it off dengan yeng wtf okay bye dinner is served! i promise i'll blog later/ tomorrow/ next week! =DDDLabels: Holidays, School
Your Lover's Lover
4:04 AM